part 2 (memory loss)

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Here is the next part...i hope you will like...

A man was coming forward holding a knife.his face not visible as he is wearing a mask
"I will not let you live peacefully...
I will kill you" he yelled and raised knife to stab
Aaaahhhh.....she screamed and opened her eyes with a jerk.then she realised that it was a nightmare.the room she is sitting was unfamiliar to her.she looked around. She saw a men who was coming towards her.first thing she noticed in his face was his blue ocean eyes...
Shivaay's pov
I was sleeping peacefully after a tired night..suddenly i heard a loud scream..and i opened my eyes with a jerk..i saw her. the girl i met yesterday with an accident...she was sitting on bed with frightened face and was sweating badly...her eyes was filled with tears...i moved towards her.she became more scared on each step of me...she made a wrinkle on forehead
"Are you ok?is your wounds is paining" i asked and stood near the bed
Pov ends
"Who are you??"she moved backward and asked
"Who are you...."he asked hesitatly
"Who is me" 😰 she became more tensed
"Whattt"😵he said little loudly
Then suddenly she got down from bed and started to run. Before she could run out of the room he ran fastly and locked the door
"Where are you going "he was little angry
"Let me go...who are you to stop me..i know you will kill me"she shouted
"What are you saying "
"I know you will kill" she started to blabbering that again and again and moved backward. Now he is hundred percent sure that she is hell scared
"Hey...don't worry...i will not harm you"he said calmly
"No...."she screamed and took a knife from table
"If you even try to touch me,i will kill you... don't come near" she said
"I don't even know you then why i should kill you"he asked confusingly

Then she remembered his words
"Are you ok?is your wounds is paining " - if he want to kill me,he should not concerned about my pain..."who are you " yess...he is right...if he don't even know me ,why he should kill me...
And she became little calm and kept the knife back on table...and asked to him "then who are you?"
"I am shivaay....shivaay singh oberoi "
"Why you are here"
"It's my home"
"Then why i am here"
Then he narrated about yesterday's incident to her
"How i can believe you..."
"Ooh god...this girl"he murmured himself
"Heyy...what are you thinking.i asked you something"
"That is the only thing that has been happening for a while" he murmured and rolled his eyes
"Did you say something?"
"No...i was thinking to prove my side"he replied and she hummed
"Will you believe in cctv footage"
She nodded...
"Then wait here"he said went from there...
He came back after 10 min and showed the cctv footage to her...
"Did you carried me"she asked shockingly "i was not overweight for you"....
"Ofcource not you were double overweight "
She made a fake angry face with a cute pout and shivaay chuckled at her...
"Ok now stop your drama..and have breakfast you have few medicine to eat after food"
She twisted her lips...
He pressed his lips together to control his laugh before her cute antics and went from there

He came back with breakfast after 5 min
"Have this"and forwarded plate towards her...
"No...then i will become triple overweight "she said with a fake anger...
He chuckled
"Sorry.. i was were not overweight "
Then she smiled widely suddenly that smile became a sad pout...
"How i will eat with this broken hand"
"What did you think.. the great business man SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI will feed you...impossible "he said with full of attitude
"Heyy...mister keep your ego aside and feed are RESPONSIBLE for my condition"she said 'responsible' clearly that made him feel little guilt...and he had to feed her...
After breakfast,
"my head is paining "she winced in pain holding her head...
"Have this..."he forwarded painkiller with her medicines..and she gulped it ..."ok.. now tell me...what's your name?who are you?"
"I said na..i don't remember anything even my name"tears brimmed in her eyes
"Ok ok don't cry....just take rest"he said and left from there...and she slept again
Shivaay's pov
She doesn't remember i have to find about her in my own way
Pov ends
Shivaay got ready and went to have breakfast...

On breakfast table he said about her to his family
"Is she fine now " dadi asked with tensed face
"Yes...but...she lost her
memory "he replied. it was a big shock for family
"Oh god...
Now she is our responsibility shivaay...we have to give her good treatment "jhanvi said
"Yes mom.."
"Shivaay can we meet her now"om asked
"She is sleeping now... we can meet her later "
Om nodded
"Mom...where is dad "rudy asked to jhanvi
"He has gone early today...he had an urgent meeting "she replied and continued their eating....

Shivaay called doctor
Sh:dr i am shivaay...
Dr:haa...Did the girl regain consciousness?
Sh:yes....but she don't remember anything even her name...
Dr:i think she lost her memory
Sh:then what about the treatment to get her memory back...
Dr:we have to treat her minimum 7 month...sometime it will take almost 1 year..but don't worry. I will do my best..i will come to check her after my duty...
Sh:ok dr thank you
Dr:you are welcome mr.oberoi


Precap- i beg you pease don't send me anywhere

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