part 6 (her father)

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Sorry for late update dears.... i was stuck in my studies.... it is a long chapter also...
Thank you so much for your lovely comments and vote....
happy reading ❤


Next day

Shivaay's look

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Shivaay's look

Shivaay's look

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Annika's look

Shivaay was coming out of oberoi mansion to go office. He stopped midway as he saw his dr was coming out of his of the best doctor in India "Dr.RAGHAV RAICHAND" shivaay walked towards him and welcomed politely
S:dr...why a sudden visit?
D:am i visiting here for the first time?
I will come whenever i you have any problem can come whenever you want...i was just asking...
He said smiling continously
D:do you know?i hate one thing in you?
S:what dr?
D:how many time i told you to call me uncle....can't you obay my one and only request....first of all i am your dad's friend...keep in that in your mind
S:ok uncle
Both chuckled together
Tej and raghav greeted together and three of them sat in hall...
R:i want to see my daughter. Actually i came here to took her with me
He entered into topic directly as he was desperate to see his princess after 4 days...he continued seeing shivaay's and tej's confused face
R:khanna has told me everything... the girl staying here is my daughter... i can do all the treatment she needs...i want to take her with me
S:that means she is annika raichand
R:yes....she is annika raichand... where is she?
It was a big shock for tej and shivaay
Suddenly they heard a breaking sound of glass and they turned to see what was going on. annika was standing there...when saw her face, shivaay realised that she had heard everything..tears were continuously flowing down from eyes...her gaze was fixed on shivaay
"Princess..... "raghav came forward tears of happiness were filled in his eyes.... he is seeing his princess after 4 days
Annika walked backward... fear appeared on her face...she stumbled and was about to fall
"Princess "raghav was about to hold her before falling... but she jerked his hand and ran from there....shivaay also followed her calling her name continuously... but she ran to room without giving any attention to shivaay "I HATE YOU" she said looking into his eyes and shut the door on his face....tears were continuously flowing down from her eyes....
He knocked on door calling her but she didn't open the door"Oh i will specify i have to specify raghav uncle also"he kept his hand on forhead...he went back to hall where tej was trying to console raghav
S:uncle...she couldn't...
R:she couldn't recognize me. Right?
S:hmm...uncle she is scared like this whenever sees a stra..nger...
She..will...not...come...with you...uncle
He said hesitatly without looking at raghav's teary eyes
T:raghav...don't worry about her...we will take care of her...she is like our own daughter for us...don't worry....hmm?
But tears were coming out of raghav's eyes. He didn't utter a word. Just cried silently
T:Don't you trust me?
R:no..not like that i trust you...i am seeing her tears after 10 years...that's why i couldn't stop myself from crying
Raghav said with hiccups....he wiped his tears and said
"Thank god...she is fine...don't worry she will get her memory you know onething i was sleepless for 4 one can imagine how much happy i was when got to know about her from was like i got my breath back...yaa...i am hurt when she couldn't recognize me...but i am happy guys...she is princess is fine" a loud cry came out of his mouth... tears of joy, tears of  hurt...he couldn't hold them further he just burst it out...tej pulled him into a tight hug.... he was also crying seeing his more eyes was also teary seeing the senerio, he felt guilt can come here to see her whenever you want
He said keeping his hand on raghav's shoulder...raghav came out of that hug and looked at shivaay and nodded with a smile....somehow they managed to convince raghav and sent him from there...
"This is the first time I see him like this" tej said to shivaay looking at raghav's retracting figure and left from there with a sigh of relief
"Khanna khanna "he called khanna.... anger was visible in his eyes...khanna came running hearing his boss's roar
"Yes sir"
"Didn't I tell you, not to let them come to see her?... and what you did? Haa"
"I tri..ed my best to stop him sir...but raghav sir was not ready to hear me because he was really worried about her... she is his one and only daughter sir...i am sorry sir"he said looking down
There is no point in blaming khanna...
I should have valued her what i will do to convince her? Should i ask for forgiveness? Shivaay sigh oberoi?... never....then what will do? I think i should talk with her...
He decided to talk with her and walked to his room "thank god...door is i can talk with her"shivaay said himself and entered into room
Annika was packing her stuffs with much difficulties as she is not well mentally and physically.... she was still crying
"Annika...where are you going"shivaay asked little loudly
She didn't utter a word just continued her work
"Annika....!"he again called
No response
"I know whatever i did was wrong...but we can talk about it and solve "
"We already talked about this mr.oberoi .... now what you want to discuss " she said taking her bag from bed and walked towards door
"Annika.... where are you going? I want to talk with you"
"I don't want stay with a LIAR....i am going to stay with rudy...IF OUR FRIENDSHIP WAS PURE, YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER DO THIS TO ME"she said to shivaay and went from there...

He went to office and started working... he tried his best to forget about everything. But his heart never allowed him to do so. It was paining continuously remembering her words... he couldn't concentre on his work. His head was paining with his thoughts. He was restless the whole also he came back to home early. He badly wanted to talk with annika...directly he went to rudy's room... he smiled seeing the scenario infront of him.. aniru was laughing together cracking some jokes...she is so happy whenever she is with rudy...he thought and was about to go towards them. anika had not seen him but Rudy saw him and gestured to stand there... after a while rudy came up to him
S:rudy... i want to talk with her...why you stopped me?

R:she will never hear you bhaiyya... she is very angry on you...i don't want to create a fight now..that's why i stopped you from coming inside

S:but rudy...

R:bhaiyya talk to her peacefully tomorrow... hmm?

Shivaay left from there unwillingly

He laid on bed tried to sleep.. but sleep was far away from him..he fixed his gaze on side, he know he is wrong. He should say sorry. But other side, his ego is not allowing him to ask for forgiveness . He was in deep thoughts suddenly his phone rang breaking the chain of his was none other than his girlfriend

M:hello...shivaay! how are you?
S:mallika... i am sorry...i am not in a mood to talk now
M:you are always busy and now you don't like to talk to me also right?
S:you are also busy....not only me
M:because i am also working in business field like you...but shivaay we have to spend some time eachother
S:mallika...please try to understand.... i can't talk to you now
M:at least share your problem with me yaar if i could suggest you a solution
M:no ifs and buts.... i want to hear your problem
Shivaay narrated each and everything to mallika
M:poor girl... she must have been very upset... you should not have done this... you broke her trust on you
S:now i can't change that happened. will you suggest me a solution or blame me more
M:ok...then listen carefully__________________
S:no i can't do
M:what no! don't have any other option...this is the one and only way to get back your good mood
M:🤭 Do it shivaay
S:are you sure ? Will it work or everything will be waste?
M:as a girl i am will work
M:all the best
And he declined the call
"Still didn't said a thanks
ARROGANT 😤" mallika murmured herself

After sometime ,shivaay went to hall . Aniomru&dadi&jhanvi was chitchating something sitting on sofa... he went near to annika and sat beside her. She tried to get up as soon as he sat. But shivaay stopped her by holding her hand. She wanted to shout on him. She wanted to jerk his hand but she didn't want to create a blunder before family. So she sat there quietly.She had never even looked at his face once since the morning incident... after sometime everyone left from there except shivika. annika got up from sofa and was about to go but shivaay blocked her way
"I want to talk with you annika...come with me"shivaay said and held her hand
"I will not come"she shouted jerking his hand
"Annika please.... "
"NO NO NO....NO means NO"
"Then ok"he sighed
But next thing what he did, shocked her to the core.. he took her in bridal style "what are you doing... leave me.. i don't want to come with you" she said while wriggling
He took her to car and made her sit on front seat and closed the door without paying any attention to her shouts.... he started the car and she calmed down as she realised that there is no use in shouting.... she just looked out in the whole journey... he applied break somewhere. But she just sat in same position.... she looked back as there was no movement for a while. Her eyes widened in shock as she realised that she was alone in car...Shivaay was nowhere to be seen


Precap- someone tied her eyes from behind with a black cloth .she tried to scream but he covered her mouth and dragged her to somewhere......

I am impatient to know your response 🙈🙉

Sorry for mistakes 🙏🏻

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