Chapter 31 ~ Martina:

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Before I dropped Jorge, Christmas present off, I had a visit from Ruggero, which I found a bit strange as he's the reason why Jorge ended things, I sat down as he sat down, and he started saying strange things. 

He pulled some documents out of his back pocket which I was confused about, what was this document he had. 

Martina: Uh... 

Ruggero: What? 

Martina: What are those documents? 

Ruggero: Oh, this is what Jorge dug up on your background. 

Martina: He did what? So how come he gave them to you since you two aren't friends anymore?

Ruggero: *Lies* Oh, we made up, once you left the house, things changed. 

Martina: Right, so what did he dig up on my background? 

Ruggero: That when you had Maria you sold your body for money. 

Martina: So, what? You do what you must do to make sure your child is taken care of. 

Ruggero: Well, Jorge didn't see it that way. 

Martina: *Thinking* Wait a minute, I'm sorry why are you here? 

Ruggero: Okay, I don't think you should go to the party, Martina. 

Martina: Not you as well, look Jorge asked me. 

Ruggero: Yeah, so he can make a fool out of you, so he can show his business clients what a governess is. 

Martina: What? 

Ruggero: I'm guessing Candelaria told you the same things. 

Martina: Yes, but then she got over it. 

Ruggero: She still has her doubts, trust me, Martina. We are doing this for your own good, we are trying to spare your feelings. 

Martina: Spare my feelings? So, me not going to the party is sparing my feelings?

Then the doorbell went, and Candelaria walked in.

Martina: Oh, you're here why am I not surprised?  

Candelaria: I'm guessing Ruggero told you what Jorge did. 

Martina: Wait a minute, he really printed this off and gave it to you? 

Candelaria: Yes, he is going to use it at the party, he has another copy in his office. 

Martina: Oh, my god, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Ruggero.

I thought about what Ruggero and Candelaria told me, and I just couldn't believe Jorge would betray me like that after they left, I thought I would drop his present off, when I got to his house Olga opened the door and invited me in as Jorge wasn't in nor were the boys.

Olga: *Pours her some juice* You look like somebody has upset you, dear.

Martina: Yeah, well, I'm just feeling a bit confused. 

Olga: About what? 

Martina: Nothing, doesn't matter, I just dropped Jorge, Christmas present.

Olga: *Puts the gift down* Don't you want to give it to him yourself? 

Martina: No, it's best this way. 

Olga: What's happened? 

Martina: Do you know if Jorge has documents of my background? 

Olga: Oh, I don't think so, why? 

Martina: He must've had them then gave them to Ruggero. 

Olga: Excuse me? Ruggero? 

The Governess ✔️ - Jorge & Martina  *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now