Chapter Twenty Two

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"Mallory we aren't suppose to be in here," Esme mumbled beside me, as we wandered around in my main music class room. It was dinner, we were suppose to be in the cafeteria like everyone else. But I needed to check if Tyler had brought his test in today, so I could text Billie for the confirmation. I wouldn't have the time to look through for any hints of cheating myself. I just needed to know if it was here.

"No one's gonna see us Esme it's fine,"

She sighed and sat behind the teachers desk. Swaying back and forth in the spiny chair as I stood on the other side of the desk flicking through the papers.

"So what are we looking for? Does this have anything to do with Mr Armstrong's planner?"

I looked up at her. "We're checking if Tyler's test is here,"

"Why would it be?"

"He was suppose to bring it in as an example today,"

"So you're searching for it... why?"

I stopped searching through, giving her my full attention. "You remember that thing you said a few days ago? About how I need to find proof? 'No one can turn a blind eye at proof' Right?"

"Out of all the advice I've given you listen to that?"

"No but Esme you was right-"

"-So what's he got to do with this?"

I froze for a second. About her bringing the topic of him back up. Before I managed to ask: "Who?"

"Don't play dumb with me on this. Mr Armstrong? Whats going on with you and him? And don't tell me it's nothing,"

"Esme it is nothing! I don't know what makes you think otherwi-"

"-He's the only ever teacher you've listened to. You called him by his first name that one time when talking to me, he had you doing all this work for your test- but then there's other times when I caught you in the hall after he kicked you out his lesson. You guys are too close, for it to just be a teacher an a student,"

"Esme he's not a teacher anymore-"

"-But you're still in contact with him?"

"What? No I-"

"-You had his planner,"

"So? Planner's dont mean anything?"

She sighed. Getting up out the chair and making her way out the room. With no words, just a long breath out and attempting to leave.

"What? Where are you going?" I asked quickly, confused.

"I'm not gonna help you out with things if you're gonna carry on keeping me in the dark about what's going on about things," She breathed pausing near the door as she turned back around.

"Esme there's nothing,"

"Why are you guys so passionate about things then? He gets too angry at you for it to be a teacher thing. You try too hard for it just to be because he asked you to study as a teacher. I mean- well what about that time you were punching Tyler? I was in the crowd of people shouting you. Then all of a sudden Mr Armstrong picked you up and pulled you off him,"

"Yeah- any teacher would have done that-"

"-Mr Wilson coming with you I get. He's a head teacher. Mr Armstrong's just a music teacher. But he went to you. He didn't check on Tyler or anything- he was more bothered about you getting yourself in trouble that he restrained you from hurting Tyler anymore. You and Tyler are both in his class. But he cares more about you,"

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