Chapter Fifteen

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"Get out," Miss Davis, the English teacher, sighed. Her arm extended as it pointed to the door.

I dropped the tambourine that I had taken out of the music trolley, that was normally just forgotten about at the back of the class, as it hit the floor. Creating a loud crash as everyone laughed again. "Gladly." I smiled. Giving Eden one last grin before I walked out the room.

I wandered around the empty halls, looking through some classrooms and being distracting. Before I decided to see what Billie was doing right now.

I walked to his classroom and looked through the glass through the door. The class was empty. Completely. No Billie Joe. So I walked in.

I slowly looked around. His normally cluttered desk was completely clean. By clean I mean empty. Nothing was on it.

I walked over, sitting carefully in the chair as I pulled a draw open. Which was also empty.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled, pulling another one out.

Empty. Then another, the last one. Empty.

Where had everything gone? Had he moved classrooms?

I got back up, walking around the desks.

I winded in and out, through each row as I looked at the pin boards where Billies class tasks were. Everything from the push pin boards had been removed. The only things left were little holes that were traces of what was once there.

Apart from one singular red pin, which I pulled out as I kept pushing it in the board leaving marks.

He must've moved class rooms or something, every subject moves lessons.

Due to the lack of classrooms, and how half of our classes were double used for another subject. Sometimes there was mid functions in the schedules, or reasons for the time tables to be moved around. So it wasn't an odd thing to have class in one room and then the next time be moved across the hall or sometimes to the other side of the school.

"What are you doing in here!"

I dropped the pin jumping, looking over to the door expecting Billie. Which would have been a relief.

But it wasn't.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?"


There she stood. My god she was back.

The old hag. The one that resembled the witch in Snow White. The person who probably had cursed my whole life away.

My old music teacher. The witch like hunched back oldie.

"Go to the principals office right away, one thing I have not missed is this behaviour." She rolled her eyes. Pulling out that little note pad she wrote her notes on she sent students along with out her back pocket as she made her way to the desk. Her terrible posture showing as she leaned on the surface scribbling a note.

I quickly walked over to her, much to say. "You're back?"

"And a shame,"

"Why are you back, I thought you left?"

She took the paper and ripped it out. Before holding it out for me to take and grunting. "Back operation,"

I wanted to say. 'Not surprised' as a joke to how her posture was literally the shape of a banana. But I didn't even care about whitty humour right now. "So Mr Armstrong was just a temporary teacher?"

She nodded, moving the paper in her hand again telling me to take it.

I snatched it off her, as she walked back to the desk and I followed.

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