6: Arrival

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Trigger Warning: Swearing, Depression, Eating Disorder, Self harm

Technoblade's POV:

I felt someone shaking my shoulder. My eyes popped open, wondering who was in my house. I glanced around. It appeared that I was in a car. Phil was stood over me and Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur were sleeping in comfy lookin' chairs. I sighed, remembering that I wasn't home.

"Hey Phil."

"How was your sleep."

"Good, comfy chair..." I trailed off. "Yeah, why aren't we moving?"

We weren't moving and last I remembered, we were driving on a road, as most people do.

"Stopped at a gas station, got some coffee and snacks for the children." Phil gestured towards the three chaotic individuals. 

I chuckled at the remark, "You better of  gotten me one."

Phil walked the few steps to the counter and grabbed a coffee and handed it to me. Sipping on my drink, I grabbed  my bag and pulled out my phone. The time on his phone read 2:18am.

(A/N: Do not judge me but currently I am in my bed, eating chocolate spread, typing this story, listening to music. What are your guys, gals and pals favourite songs? Mine  all of Wilbur's, E-girls are ruining my life, heatwaves, sweater weather, dictator, people I don't like, drugs, don't lose your head, the moss and villain. Jesus, I wrote a lot 0_o)

"Guess its my shift now."

Phil laughed "Yours will easy. Bout two hours from here is the town we'll be staying in. You need to park at the Morrisons Café."


I got out of my seat and stepped over to the wheel, noticing Tommy and Tubbo as I went past. They were curled up together across the two chairs under a thick, blanket (NOT SHIPPING). I took a picture as I walked past for blackmail. I smiled to myself. and sat down. Wil was snoring quietly and I could hear Phil's breaths slowing down. For once, it was peaceful. 

-Magical time skip-

TommyInnit's POV:

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I looked over to the right to see Tubbo lying down beside me, his chest rising and falling.

I got out of  my chair, careful as to not wake up Tubbo. The windows had little curtains on them, so I drew them. I seemed very early in the morning. We were parked in what looked like a café. There were a few other cars parked here, all of which contained peaceful, sleeping beings.

I was really regretting coming on this trip. Was it to late to go back? Yes, it definitely was. It was deadly silent, apart from the odd car going by in its on leisurely manner. 

I stumbled over to the toilet. It contained a toilet, sink and mirror. Obviously there was gonna be a shower at the campsite. I felt disgusting and sloppy.

"I could just...." I thought, my mind slipping away to the knife. "No, too risky here. Maybe later."

"Bet they wouldn't care. They'd keep on going on with their day without batting an eyelid. They don't give a fuck about you. Your friendship with them- Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tubbo...its FAKE"

"Fake." I whispered to myself. 

"All fake"

I slid to by bag grabbed a change of clothes, along the the knife and some bandages. I take off my shirt and drop it on the floor.

Words cut deeper then knives - A TommyInnit angstWhere stories live. Discover now