5: The pickup

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Trigger warning: Implied self harm, Eating disorder, Depression

There are a lot of POV changes in this chapter. I make this upas I go so please bare with me

TommyInnit's POV:

I woke up, too look over to my window. The sun was well in the sky, it was around early noon. I felt disgusting. Wilbur was going to be picking me up in a few hours. I was really beginning to regret my decision.

"Maybe I could make something up, to as why the sudden change of plans-" I sighed. I tried to fix my greasy hair, it was plastered to my forehead. "That wouldn't work, they're already suspicious to why I've been acting 'different'." 

I got undressed and stepped into the soothing shower, I had to make myself presentable. I scrubbed every inch of myself, making sure to get the blood off. My skin was left raw red. I changed myself and fixed my hair.

I found myself staring into a mirror, I looked at every flaw on my body.

-Magical time skip-

Wilbur's POV:

I pulled up on the side of the road and knocked on the door. Tommy's mum opened the door and welcomed me in. I had met her before, the last time we all met up Tommy's dad came with him to make sure we weren't kidnapping him or anything.

I heard Tommy treading down the stairs and we said our good byes. We would be gone for probably little over a week.

-Magical time skip-

Tubbo hugged his mum good bye and hopped into the back with Tommy. We started to drive away from Tubbo's house.

Tommy and Tubbo engaged in conversation immediately. I put on some Hamilton from Spotify, cause Tommy claimed 'the radio songs were trash and Hamilton was far superior'.

We were all happily singing along to The Schyler Sisters when the music was cut off by a ring tone. I went to answer the call when Tubbo snatched away from me.

"Nuh uhh, we are NOT getting into a car crash today-Ooh, it's Phil!"

Tubbo POV:

"Ooh, it's Phil!"

I answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Hello Big man!!!" Tommy yelled at the phone. 

The familiar monotone voice spoke clearly through the phone, "We were gonna get there too early so we've stopped at a McDonalds, you guys want anything?"


"Expected that." Techno said laughing a bit.

Wilbur said without taking his eyes off the road "I'll get a Big Mac."

Tommy answered sadly, "I had dinner just before leaving, and I'm stuffed right now but I'll get a Milkshake."

"Right, we'll see you soon." Techno hung up and the music on Spotify resumed.

Wilbur's POV:

A single thought swarmed my mind; Why would Tommy lie about eating. He almost sounded prepared with an answer.

-Flashback to a few hours ago-

"I promise take the best care of him, I won't let you down."

"Thank you Wilbur, make sure he gets sleep and isn't up all night on youtube. Oh and make sure he eats enough."

"What do you mean 'eats enough."

"Toms has been so stressed recently, with youtube, and streaming. He often doesn't come down to dinner cause he's editing something, or recording."

"Alright, has eaten yet?"

"No I didn't make anything since he was leaving."

"Thank you."

I heard Tommy treading down the stairs and we said our goodbyes.

TommyInnit's POV:

"Well that was easy." I thought. "It seems as they were all fooled."

-Magical time skip-

No ones POV:

The group finally met at Wilbur's house they all walked inside to eat their McDonalds. Wilbur managed to convince Tommy to try his burger and gave him a few bites. 

He thought joyfully "Mission Success!"

They all went to the toilet quickly and Wilbur made sure that Tommy wouldn't spit out food by pretending to be impatient and kept knocking on the door.

At last they all met outside and Wilbur showed them the caravan he borrowed. It was a light grey colour. It had what appeared to be, a flaming hot dog on top, making it look like something out of  a cartoon. It looked cosy but rather small and broken.

Phil whispered to Wil "You sure we're all gonna fit in that?"


He unlocked it allowing them to peer inside. It was like an actual house! There was a couch with a tv, a mini kitchen with a cupboard to store food, and plump leather chairs. (I am so sorry, this bit is so bad, didn't come out the way i wanted it to)

They poured inside and Tubbo yelled "Its like Harry Potter!"

Tommy added on with a sly grin, "Yeah, Harry Potter but on drugs!"

They burst out into laughter and they chose the back two seats. They tucked their bags under the chair and got comfortable. Phil went to the kitchen and started sorting out the food, packing them away in the cupboard.

Techno laid down on the couch and announced "I am getting some sleep, I'll take the third driving shift. (Since it isn't healthy to stay up all night driving, Phil, Wil and Techno are gonna take turns) He slipped on some headphones and fell as sleep before anyone could stop him.

Wilbur set the GPS to the campsite/ caravan park thingy. You have chosen Greenwoods forest. The time to your destination is averaged 9 hours. Forward.

Phil sat shotgun and scrolled through Twitter. He saw that Tommy had tweeted he wouldn't be streaming for the next few days. Phil tweeted, 'New vlog coming out on the channels (he tagged Tommy, Tubbo, Techno and Wilbur) and he took a selfie with Phil next to him and Tommy and Tubbo in the backround, along with Techno sprawled on the couch.

Replies filled in.

User 1: WHaaaattt, this why none of them are streaming?

User 2: Are you in a car?

User 3: Whats the vlog gonna be about?

User 4: OOHHH this is exciting, are you all posting  one one your channels!

I closed my phone and decided I'd get some sleep before my shift of driving. 

Thank you for reading. Right now I should be doing school work abut instead I have written this. Vote to be POG and please follow. And who else cried at the Dream SMP stream.

Words: 1038 (wow we're in the thousands...)

Words cut deeper then knives - A TommyInnit angstWhere stories live. Discover now