7: A worrying suspicion

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Trigger Warning: Swearing, Eating Disorder, Depression, Implied self harm.

Quite a few POV changes. I should be doing my work, literally have too many missing assignments. WELP enjoy! 

Philza's POV:

We had parked up and been handed a map detailing the campsite and the resort, which was located closer to the entrance.

They all huddled around me to look at the map.

"There certainly is a lot to do here." I muttered to myself.

Techno said "Lets plan out what we're gonna do this week and go swimming this after lunch."

We all nodded in agreement and went off to do our own thing. Wilbur of course, went inside and grabbed his camera to start recording, I chuckled to myself as Techno snuck into the car after Wilbur to presumably go on his laptop and play minecraft.

Tommy and Tubbo lay in the grass, mindlessly staring at the fluffy white clouds that drifted by. This part of the country was beautiful. I envy the people who live here!

"This is like a scene out of a fairy tale." Tubbo sighed.

"Yeah." Tommy whispered. 

I lay down with them and we listened to the quiet breeze and the birds chirping.

Wilbur Soot's POV:

I started a countdown to start recording and prepared myself to speak.

"3, 2, 1-"

I heard a beep and began filming.

"Hey guys, we just arrived here at the campsite and now we're just chilling." I flipped the camera to face Techno. he was hunched over his laptop on the Dream SMP. "Techno, say hi to the camera."

"Hellooooooo." He said nonchalantly, without looking up. I made sure not to show his laptop screen. I didn't want to leak the server IP or the Discord. 

I drew the curtains and pointed the camera outside. Phil, Tommy and Tubbo were lying in the grass. "Lets go say hello." I say with a mischievous grin on my face. 

I strolled towards them, making little to no sound. Phil saw me coming and smiled. The other two had their eyes shut.


"AHHH!" Tubbo jumped.

Tommy flinched and said "I knew you'd pull some shit like that." He stood up he was almost as tall as me, which was kinda scary. "I'm gonna grab my camera."

-Magical time skip-

No one's POV:

They all filmed a bit and just hung out. Overall, it was pretty chill. The group didn't eat much lunch because they would be going swimming in less then an hour. They went off to pack a swim bag. 

(A/N: For people who don't know what a swim bag is, you put your towel, goggles and pool floats and what ever you need in it and bring it with you.)

Wilbur Soot's POV:

We all walked back in the car. Tubbo pulled out a box of Cherri-os and poured himself a small serving. I took the bowl and poured myself one and Tommy one. Tommy took his gingerly. We all ate quickly. Tommy finished first, he walked over to the sink and poured it into the bin sneakily.

"He's barely eaten since we've been here. I'll have to ask him about it tonight." I thought to myself. There was this nagging worry in the back of my mind that Tommy wasn't alright.

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