1: Prologue I think

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TommyInnit's POV:

I walked out of my last class of the day and found himself unknowingly walking to the bus stop. It had become such a routine that I tend to space out and subconsciously get there. I sit down at the stop, pulling out my phone. I noticed I had two Discord notifications from my friends.

I click on the first read a dm from

Wilbur Soot:

We're all streaming among us tonight, you wanna be there?


Sure just send me the code when you we begin.

I clicked on the second one.


Yoooo, u out of school yet?

I laugh to myself "Clingy as always."


Yeah, just waiting for the bus.

As if by magic, the bus showed up then.

-magical time skip-

No one's POV:

Tommy changed into a comfy hoodie and flopped onto his bed. He closed his eyes . But as soon as he did that, thoughts began to naw him in his head. He opened them groaning. He scrabbled his bed, in search of his ear buds. He had found music often blocked out the negative thoughts.

As soon as he came in contact with them, he clasped them and plugged them into his phone. He pulled up Spotify and played his playlist. Khai Dreams Sunkissed played through, boosting his spirits almost automatically.

YOOOOOO, thank you for reading tis chapter, please follow and vote to be POG.

Words: 237

Words cut deeper then knives - A TommyInnit angstWhere stories live. Discover now