ushijima wakatoshi x reader! (flower-shop AU)

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I LOVE FLOWER-SHOP ONE SHOTS SO I HAD TO DO ONE i love ushijima w my whole heart honestly so i'm so glad i'm finally writing a one-shot for him!!

as i entered the flowershop the sweet smell of the different varieties of flowers hit my nose, i didn't particularly have a reason to be here other than i wanted to buy a small, vibrant bouquet to brighten up my apartment!

i walked up to the cashier with a small smile 'uh hey i'm just here for a bouquet of flowers.' i grumbled, he was a very tall man with with beautiful olive-brown hair and matching olive eyes, his expression was rather stoic and he was honestly quite intimidating. his name tag read 'ushijima wakatoshi'. 'oh ok.' he mumbled 'any flowers in particular?' he asked me, turning around to grab something from behind him 'oh i don't mind, anything you think looks nice!' i smiled 'right then, what do you need these for?' he asked, god he was straight forward. 'oh nothing much honestly, i just want to brighten up my apartment a little bit, it looks quite dull at the moment.' i sighed 'oh that's nice.' he flashed me a light smile, which i won't deny was adorable. 'well i recommend a variety, i would definitely put some chrysanthemums in there, ah and maybe a few orchids would look nice, and then some carnations and maybe some zinnias-' i watched him as he listed off all these different flowers, picking up multiple as he spoke, he sure seems passionate about flowers. 'does that sound alright to you?' he asked, although i had stopped paying attention to what flowers he was listing. i simply nodded in response as he began to make the bouquet

'that will be € 15 (about $18) when your ready.' he mumbled lightly as he pressed some buttons on the cash register. i stared at the bouquet he just made, he clearly knew his stuff, the bouquet was a beautiful range of multiple colours from reds to yellows, it was exactly what i was looking for! 'oh yeah! here you go.' i smiled handing him the money with a wide grin 'is the bouquet to your liking?' he asked me as he put my money carefully in the register 'yes it is, i love it thank you so much.' i giggled, smiling at him for the 100th time today. 'well i'm glad u like it then, the flowers in it last longer than most so you won't have to replace it for a little while. i'm sure it will look lovely in your apartment.' he lightly smiled once again 'ah really? that's amazing, thank you! i'll definitely be back here once it does need replacing though.' i smiled lightly back 'well i'd be more than delighted to replace it for u whenever u need.' he said, looking up from the register and into my (e/c) eyes, which i only giggled 'i'll be sure to come to you then.' as i went to exit the shop, 'have a good rest of your day, ushijima.' i waved at him open ring the door 'yeah you too.' i heard him reply,
i'm definitely going to be visiting that flower shop a lot.
this was rushed and ik i said i wasn't feeling well and stuff but i felt terrible not posting anything for u guys, and ik this isn't the best but 👩‍🦯 and if u noticed the cover change please ignore that atm, i'm considering changing it but idk what to change it to so for the time being its just something simple ! :)

next i'll be writing the kiyoko (x female reader) one shot people voted for in a previous chapter, ik its not like my other one-shots since i usually do x male readers, so if this upsets anyone i'm sorry but i left it down to a vote and that's what most people voted for! but i'm so excited to write it hshshs i'm such a simp for kiyoko so hopefully u all like it 😩✋ anyways gn - author 🏎

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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