Chapter 28

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the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

Ant made his way from behind Ace looking down at me I quickly looked away

"you got some balls coming up on here like you own the bitch"

Ace chuckled "I do" he raised an eyebrow looking Ant dead in his face

"not here not now both of you can get the fuck out" I pointed to the door but both ignored me

"i should clear this whole place out-"

Ace laughed "you don't got the balls you got damn snake" Ant smiled nodded turning on his heels

Ace turned his attention back to be but before he could speak Ant punched him straight in the stomach causing him to laugh and fall back on the wall

at this point you can't even ask me what the hell happened because everything happened so fast i just remember me being dragged back by Taylor and people screaming

"i told you! i fucking told you!" Ant yelled pointing at me as his nose was bleeding

"i didn't do any-" Taylor backed me up from all that was happening as the men that came in with Ace was holding Ant back

Ace held his stomach laughing "damn you got a good hook but let me show you-"

"Don't touch my son!" Ant mother screamed getting up from her seat

"oh gosh" Taylor pulled me towards the exit as Miguel ran towards me quickly grabbing on my leg 

"mommy!" he squeaked before I knew it one of Ace men pulled out a pistol making everyone scream and some even ran out Leo quickly grabbed the guy whispering something in the guy ear making him put the gun back into his waistband 

I was speechless honestly I started chuckling causing Taylor to look at me as if I was the crazy one here 

"Miguel go outside-"


"now" and with that he walked out looking back at me and his aunt 

"Cam-" Taylor held on to her son trying to still hold me with one of her free arms 

I shook my head still standing where I was looking at the two biggest idiots in the room who were both still carrying on 

"you were going to shoot me at her gender reveal!?" Ant screamed at Ace at this point I couldn't hold it in anymore it slipped (lmao what if she farted cnjnd)

I started laughing louder making everyone that was left in the place direct their attention to me Ace and Ant frowned 

"w-what?" Ant questioned as I kept laughing but seriously this was drop dead funny I'm talking Kevin heart type funny 

the doors opened again but this time Taylor let me go and she backed up "Camila baby come on" my mother whispered in my ear 

"this was supposed to be an important day for me" I pointed at my bare chest smiling "for fucking me and my close family" I shook my mother grip off of me 

Ace said nothing and Ant was stilling fighting to get out of Ace men hold "let him go now!" I pointed at them 

they let him go Ant stayed where he was and tried to calm down his breathing "Camila I'm sorry-"

"fuck you" I shook my head at Ant cutting him off still laughing "actually fuck all of you! you! you! you!" I pointed at the random men until I got to Ace "and most definitely fuck you" he chuckled as my finger pointed at him 

"stop this-" my mother spoke 

"fuck no! how come everyone gets to act immature but I can't why is it okay for these GROWN ASS MEN to be fighting like this at MY FUCKING EVENT!" at this point my ears were hot my cheeks were hot as well 

Ant sighed looking down..Ace kept looking at me with that stupid ass smirk on his face I just wanted to punch that fucking smirk off his face just- I just want to beat his fucking face in 

"I'm tired of you all! I can never get a fucking break JUST A SMALL BREAK IS ALL IM ASKING FOR! ITS ALL THAT I NEED!" Taylor looked at my mother frowning 

"Cam I think-" I shook my head holding my hand up at Taylor stopping her mid sentence 

"I am done I am...I don't need this type of stress right now I have a baby on the way I lost one already I don't- God forbid I-" I choked up damn it I choked up! 

"we understand" my mother nodded trying to rub my back I moved away from her 

"Ant...go away just legit disappear we aren't in high school any more you cant fight someone because they pissed you off you fucking mamas boy-"

"alright!" my mother grabbed my shoulder "stop this at once Camila I heard enough!"

"Ace" I laugh "man don't I have a lot to say to you-" I turned away from my mother completely ignoring her "yeah your dick got me where the hell I am today huge confused and disappointed - no seriously you got a WHOLE fucking family at your house and yet you still cheat-"

"I am not in a relationship-"

"yet you still sleep with your baby mother correct?" I nodded smiling at him 

Taylor shook her head about to walk out "miss girl I am not done!" I called after her she stopped in her tracks looking at me 

"what Cam because I don't-"

"you don't what? you don't know how to plan a simple fucking small get together?!" I turned completely facing her "I wanted just you the kids and my fucking mother to be here thats it! I don't need to be around a whole bunch of strangers to make me feel better about myself I am not you!" 

"hey!" my mother frowned 

"no it's okay this is my fault I'm sorry Cam" she nodded swallowing loudly "I am" with that she walked out with her son and Leo chased after her 

"Camila you-"

"please stop you know you don't like these idiots you don't" I shook my head at my mother pointing at Ant and Ace "just say that!" looking them up and down I walked out 

yes I fucking walked out I walked out to see Miguel standing next to his grandmother I held my hand out to him and he took my hand waddling back to my car I simply unlocked it 

"did she sleep with both of them?" I overheard one of Ant cousins ask Miguel grandma I chuckled not even knowing who the bitch was I ignored her 

Miguel got in his seat strapping himself in but I felt all eyes on me as I leaned on my car watching him click his seat 

looking back at the guest that showed up I couldn't help but to feel like breaking down they were all judging me I know they were hell they still are 

why did she have to invite all of these people why?


okay because when I started this I was lame is hell at typing hell I still am but I am trying to see how I could possibly end this without yall hating me; I hope you all are well though :)

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