Chapter 19

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(of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen.

     Walking out of the hospital I got smacked in the face with the wind as my mother rolled me out in a wheelchair and Miguel sat on my lap

"Alright you big babies get up" my mother laughed giving the chair to a nurse close by as I slowly stood up with Miguel holding my hand we slowly walked to the car

"mom do you have my phone?" I asked helping Miguel in his car seat she nodded getting in the drivers seat "yeah I have it"

closing the door after strapping Miguel in moving to the passenger side I gently grabbed my phone away from my mother saying thank you I sending Taylor a text

'Finally out let me know when you're ready to go to burger king😍'

I laughed after I sent it she sent me a message back

'🤢I'm already throwing up just thinking about it'

I texted her 'whatever'

Looking for Alvaro number I hesitated so I locked my phone as we pull up to my mother house

helping Miguel out I watched as my mother open the house door

walking inside I locked the door behind me taking a deep breath "Camila" my mother called after me

"yes ma'am" I pushed my weight off the door walking further into the house
"You hungry baby?" my mother asked pulling out some turkey chops

I nodded my head looking back at Miguel playing with his action figures
"you know you're going to have to tell em right?" I looked back at my mother

"Who?" I asked frowning

"don't play dumb with me, you're going to have to tell that man and Miguel" I nodded walking over to clean the turkey chops with vinegar

"I know I just don't know how to do it"

"telling Miguel would be the easy part i'm not sure about that man though" she said getting the seasonings out

"a part of me don't want to tell him ma" taking the chops out of the sink putting them in a pan

"and why is that?" she asked putting her hand on her hip looking towards me

"I don't want him in my life" I said not looking up seasoning the chops

"should of thought of that before you started bussing it open for him" I shot her a glare she shrugged

"I don't want Miguel to grow up hating his sibling because of Alvaro" my mother shook her head

"that boy only knows what you tell him, if he grow up seeing you hate that baby then he would do the same treat that baby the same way you treat Miguel regardless of who that child father is or what their fathers had in the pass that fetus growing in you has nothing to do with that anger you have towards that man"

she took out the potatoes and started to clean them off scrubbing them well

"you're right i'm just not ready everything seemed to be happening so fast" I pulled out the flour pouring it in a bowl

"It's happening so fast because you let it, Miguel didn't even properly meet that man and you see where that man mindset is because he didn't have the respect to properly meet Miguel either"

she was right...hell shes always right I didn't even think about having them properly meet without me spreading my legs for that man

he could have a whole family and wife kids and everything yet I slept with him without even getting to know anything about him besides the fact that his mother lives in Puerto Rico and his name is Alvaro

I didn't know I was crying until I felt the tear on my cheek I wiped my face with my wrist and my mother came over to hug me

"we live and we learn you having this child is your way of learning" she rubbed my back
"now finish helping me cook child" I chuckled nodding

We made turkey chops with mashed potatoes and vegetables
"Miguel!" I called after him sitting his plate on the table

"Miguel Luis Ruiz!" I yelled out

"Camila! stop all that yelling in my house have you lost your mind!?" my mother yelled from the living room

I heard his little feet rushing into the kitchen

"yes mommy"
"dinner is done sit down let's go" I said making my way to my seat
"did you wash your hands?" he nodded picking up his fork

I lightly smacked his hand down "wait for grandma to come in here and say grace" he looked at me pouting crossing his arms

I glared at him he dropped his arms sitting up as my mother walked in taking her seat she smiled at Miguel causing him to smile back at her my mother said grace and we dig in

After dinner I was cleaning the plates off as my mother help get Miguel ready for bed walking up the stairs I saw my mother tucking Miguel in I walked in as my mother walked out kissing Miguel on his forehead she left out the room

"Hi papa" I said lowly sitting at the end of his bed
he took his arms from under the covers looking at me
"hi mommy" I moved closer to him playing in his hair

"I have to tell you something okay" he nodded in response

I quickly let out a breath looking at him in his eyes

God he looks like Mateo I sighed pushing his hair back

"You're going to be a big brother" I said quietly he looked at me confused making me smile

"what does that mean mommy am I getting a little brother!?" he smiled and I shrugged

"It could be a little brother or a little sister we don't know yet" he squealed making me close my eyes to how loud he was

"relax papa calm down" I said holding his face
"wait mommy does that mean it is a baby inside of you?" he asked frowning I nodded in response
"I don't want a sister though girls are gross"

I looked at him taking my hands away from his face pretending to be hurt

"but you're not gross mommy you're my favorite girl in the world" he quickly said getting up to hug me

I smiled hugging him back attacking him with kisses all over his face

"thank you my baby and you're my favorite too" I said laying him back down

he yawned "in the world?" he questioned

"in the world" I echoed tucking him back in

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