Chapter 9

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the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.

  Fixing myself heading back into my job looking back seeing Ace pull off I smiled to myself

"and you're not going to introduce me to that cutie?" my coworker Ashley asked smirking at me

I roll my eyes "I don't know what you are talking about" I said walking to the bathroom to freshen up

walking out to my desk to finish up my work taking who ever was next trying my best to get back to work

After I left work I made my way to my mother house pulling up into her drive way I put the car in park and got out going up the stairs knocking on her door twice she opened the door smiling at me I hugged her and she hugged me back Miguel ran into the hug and we started laughing

she pulled me into the house and locked the door behind me I walked further in with Miguel and he took his spot on the floor to watch nick Jr.  I walked into the kitchen sitting down waiting for my mother

She looked at me walking into the kitchen smiling "How was your day honey?" she asked making me smile to myself about today

"it was good" I told her leaving out any detail of Ace she didn't like me with Mateo and I know for sure she wouldn't want me with Ace

"how was yours mom?" I asked trying to change the subject she looked at me with an raised eyebrow

"it was good" she mocked my tone causing me to laugh "most of the time you would have a whole story to tell me now what changed?" she asked making my heart speed up I let out a sigh and smirked

I told her about Ace just not the car detail she looked at me "I need you to be careful most definitely because it's not just you anymore it's that little boy with you too" she said pointing at Miguel I nodded my head

"I understand mom I do that's why I don't want anything to do with him" I kinda lied I mean I do want something with him but I-

"are you listening to me I don't want the same thing to happen to you all over again I don't think I would be able to fix you all over again Camila I lost you before I don't want to lose you again" she said whispering the last part I nodded looking down

The police came into my hospital room "are you Camila Grace?" The old white man asked me as I hold my 2 day old baby I nod slowly feeling my heartbeat speed up I look at my mom who looks at the police like crazy men

"what is the meaning behind all of this officer" my mom asked the man the officer sighed taking off his hat I frowned holding Miguel tighter "I'm sorry for your lost but Mateo Ruiz has been shot to death" my heart sunk I felt my grip on Miguel loosen and my mom took Miguel away as I started to sob I let out the most ugliest cry "when?" my mother asked

"Two days ago" the officer said I let out a louder cry "h-" I tried to talk but my mother shushed me she held me and Miguel as I sobbed into her shirt

We stayed at the hospital for Miguel they wanted to make sure he was strong enough to leave the hospital I felt dead whenever Miguel would cry my mind told me to get him but my body couldn't reach him my mom helped me out she wanted me to stay with her until I got out of my depression

It was time to leave the hospital and my nights as a single mother was beyond hard even though I had my mother help I couldn't help Miguel until he hit 2 I couldn't help him because of my mental health my mother caught me one time with a pillow as Miguel was crying I was watching him cry standing there with a pillow my mother notice that he has been crying for 6 minutes now she opened the door and yanked the pillow out of my hand as I fell to the ground crying

"What were you going to do Camila!?" my mother yelled out as I sobbed on the floor she grabbed Miguel as I looked up to her with teary eyes "Camila answer me" she said through gritted teeth

"I'm sorry mommy" I laid on the floor balling into a fetal position she sat by me with Miguel and I looked at him and all I saw was Mateo stupid self "How could he be so dumb mom" I sobbed out

she rubbed my back "you knew what you were getting yourself into Camila when you told me he was a drug dealer I knew he was no good" 

I nodded sitting up asking to hold Miguel my mom hesitated for a second and handed him to me held him and put my finger in his palm as he sucked his pacifier looking up at me

   I knew from that night I had to become a mother I had to be there for my son I stood up from the table hugging my mother tearing up in her arms she hugged me tighter

Of course by the time I told my mother I was ready to move out from her house she hesitated for a long time and she saw that I was mentally back on track she let Miguel move in with me

"I'm always here for you Cam" my mother said holding me

"I know mommy I know" she let me go and I looked back at Miguel "if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here he wouldn't be here" she smiled at my words standing up nodding

"be careful with that boy you hear?" she looked at me and I nodded

"Miguel lets go say bye bye to mema" I said kissing my mother cheek and hugging her walking to the front door to grab his sweater

Miguel got up turning off the Tv I chuckled because that's one thing my mother does not play about if nobody is watching the tv turn it off I smiled at Miguel as he went to go hug my mother and he ran over to me I put his sweater on and open the front do

"bye mom I love you" I said walking out holding Miguel hand "I love you too sweetheart" she called out to me ask we get in the car and lock the door

We get home and I pull up and park getting out to get Miguel I'm walking to my apartment door and I see Ace standing in the hallway I squeeze Miguel hands tighter

"ow mommy" he said I let his hand go "I'm sorry baby" I said rubbing his hand looking up at Ace and he never broke his eye contact


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