Chapter 15

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firmness of purpose; resoluteness.

   After waking up and doing my hygiene routine at walked into Miguel's room pushing the door open he's still sleeping I smiled at his little figure

"Miguel" I sung shaking him a little

he looked at me and closed his eyes again I started laughing

"Come on papa you have to wake up" I said rubbing his belly he opened his eyes

"mommy I want to wear my blue shirt" he said rubbing his eyes

"more like mommy I want to brush my teeth" I said mocking his sleepy tone he smiled at me sitting up

I started to gather his clothes together as he got out of bed we walked to the bathroom

"good job you're dry today papa" I cheered kissing his cheeks he laughed

sometimes he has bad dreams and he can have an accident just very thankful that it wasn't today

After getting Miguel ready I made him some toast and eggs leaving him at the table rushing into my room getting dress with the door open to listen to Miguel

"mommy!" Miguel called out
"yes!" I fixed my shirt walking out to him

he smiled at me "i'm finish" he held his plate out to me

"so what should you do?" I questioned him shifting my weight to my right leg leaning on the wall

he jumped out of his chair putting his plate in the sink "wash your hands!" I called out as he ran out the kitchen
"okay!" was all I heard and then the bathroom sink

putting on my shoes Miguel walked out looking at me asking me to tie his shoe I put his shoes on grabbing everything I need and headed out

"What time do you go to work today?" my mom asked me through the phone as I drive

"at 12 why?" I came to a red light looking back at Miguel play with his bear

"I just need to make sure I know what time to pick Miguel up" she responded

driving to Miguel school wasn't the hard part for me
"you have to pick him up before 6 mom" I said about to end the call

"I love you mom I have to go" she said I love you back and I ended the call pulling up to Miguel school I looked back at him

"you're ready papa?" he nodded in response

"you're going to have to leave teddy okay?" he looked at his bear and dropped it back in the car seat

I feel like i'm more nervous than him I look down at him he's watching everyone else but me I feel myself tear up a little

"Hello" a lady walked up to us I looked at her and she was smiling so I gave her a smile back

"Hi" the lady looked at Miguel

"Hey buddy I'm Miss Grace you are?" she said hyper squatting down to Miguel's height

"I'm Miguel" he said shyly making me bite the inside of my bottom lip

she stood up and shook my hand
"I'm Camila" I said calmly

"it said on his paper that he's 4 what took so long for you to put him in school" she asked

I don't know if she was trying to be funny or what but I gave her a fake smile

"I had to get paper work filled out for him" I looked at Miguel was looking at the kids in the window

"he doesn't do well with crowds" I mentioned to her as she looked at Miguel too she nodded

"it's okay a lot of kids come to the school with that issue but we're going to break him out of it" she smiled and I nodded

I squatted in front of him "Papa" he looked at me but this time he didn't smile and I frowned

I hugged him and he hugged me back "can you be good for mommy?" I asked and he nodded his head as I pulled back I kissed his forehead

"are you coming back?" he asked lowly

I looked at him and nodded fast

"pinky promise" I said giving him my pinky and he wrapped his little pinky around mine and I kissed his hand standing up looking at the teacher

"Can I walk him in?" I questioned and she nodded as we walk in Miguel instantly grabbed my thigh holding close once we got to the class he looked up at me with glossy eyes

"Have a good day ok papa?" he nodding in response letting my thigh go and it felt like a piece of me has just been taken I watch him walk into his class with the teacher and he looked back at me I swallowed and turned walking away

heading back to my apartment I got out of my car seeing the time


sighing I pushed my apartment door open my phone started ringing

I picked it up without looking at the ID

"Hello?" I said pulling out my suit for my job

"Camila" his accent came out and I stopped in my tracks

"what?" I questioned with attitude 
"open the door" he said slowly

I rolled my eyes hanging up he can kiss my black as-

I heard the door open I stood still in my room about to close the room door he managed to get to my room door before I could close it

I look at him he has a tan he looks at me standing in front of him I forgot I didn't have a shirt on I cover up myself he started walking towards me

"No hell no stay right there you left like a coward for a mo-" I was cut off by his lips

he kissed me rough holding the back of my neck trying to gain control I backed away from him

"Alvaro goodbye" I said his full name so he knows i'm not playing looking at the time


Grabbing my stuff trying to get dress Ace grabbed me and pushed me on the bed trying to sit up he pushed me back down and held me down by my shoulder standing over me

looking up at him I didn't know what to do I wanted it I did but I need to show him I have control and what he did wasn't right

I pushed him off of me getting up fixing my bra opening my room door he stood up straight

"Get out Alvaro" I said through gritted teeth
"i'm not one of them birds you don't get to fuck me and go then try to come back and fuck me again get the hell out" I said but he didn't move

He looked at me and sat on my bed

Why do you think Ace came back?

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