Chapter 14

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with complete sincerity and commitment.

My mother scold me when came from work and I decided to tell her that I had Ace around Miguel my mother basically lost it

She didn't want to hear anything no excuses no anything she just wanted me to understand how dangerous it was

"Mom it wasn't planned I-" she cut me off with waving her hand shaking her head

"It wasn't plan but you had that man YOU barely even know sleep under the same roof as your 4 year old son anything could of happened Camila and YOU weren't thinking" she said looking at me

I nodded looking at Miguel play with his toys "You're right mom but I haven't seen the idiot in a month so it doesn't matter anymore" she scoffed and mocked my words

"it doesn't matter- you- you just don't learn do you?" she said I shake my head looking down

"I'm sorry" I said tearing up
"don't apologize to me apologize your son he could of been put in a situation i'm not even sure you'd be able to take him out of" she said sitting down next to me rubbing my back

I sigh sitting up straight "I have to go shopping for Miguel and get him prepared for tomorrow" my mother nodded leaving my side

"come on papa tell mema bye" I called out for him as I hug my mom and kiss her cheek

Miguel ran into the living room doing so making sure he cleaned up after himself he came to me to the front door

"be safe I love you" my mom said waving us off
"you too mom I love you more" I walked off to my car putting Miguel in the car I made sure he was okay and we pulled off

"but that's what i'm talking about Cam i'm not sure if I want a gender reveal or not" Taylor spoke on the other end of the phone

"I think you should do it but it's actually kinda hard to find things for Miguel he's picky with his outfits" I said pulling out a shirt showing Miguel he shook his head pointing to a different shirt

"You see i'm not ready for that at all" she said laughing on the other end of the phone

"and if you have a girl i'll pray for you, Miguel is hard enough" I said whispering the last part eyeing Miguel

He ran over to me "mommy can I get some gum please" he looked up at me pointing to the gum ball machine

"heck no Miguel" I said pulling the phone away from my ear he pouted
"here talk to titi Taylor" I said holding his hand and giving him the phone

Miguel was just going on and on about a show on Cartoon Network Chowder

Pulling out more outfits for Miguel big day tomorrow I smile when he handed me the phone

"I'm so tired Miguel has way too much energy" Taylor said through the phone making me laugh

"I got to go though Tay i'll talk to you later" I said holding Miguel hand walking to the register

"be safe love you" she said
"you too love you more" I ended the call putting my phone away

"ew mommy I don't want this shirt" Miguel started to whine as we stood in the line

"Miguel it's too late we're already in the line you should of paid attention when I told you to" I said moving up a little bit he looked at me with a pouting face

he looks so much like Teo

'no crap that's his father shut up' I told myself pulling Miguel to the register handing the lady my stuff

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