Chapter 3

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the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Today is the day... I thought to myself putting on my Jean jacket

"Miguel! are you almost ready!?" i called out to him

no response

Don't panic Camila I started to think he was just still day dreaming

then i started to think about that time he was choking on his food silently

I ran into his room just to find him still sleeping I let out a heavy breath and looked at him peacefully sleeping I started to tearing up

"I'm sorry ma'am you can not wait any longer you have to push" the nurse said i started shaking my head
"No! he needs to be here I need him here mom! did you call him! DID YOU CALL HIM!?" i sobbed out trying to avoid the pain but it wouldn't ease up

"Camila you have to push that boy out! i tried to call him he didn't answer i called him 9 times Camila push the dang boy out!"

it wasn't time i wasn't ready he was supposed to come next month not today

"mom" i sobbed out "i cant do it i need him here with me"

my mother kissed my forehead and told me "push"
i let out the loudest yell and pushed with all the strength i had in me and i heard a faint cry my mother looked at me in awe

i started to tear up they handed me my baby and i couldn't stop crying 'i pushed him out without Mateo he's going to be heartbroken'

holding my baby ignoring everything around me i kissed his head it felt like it was just me and him then the nurses gently grabbed him from me telling my mom something i couldn't hear well i looked up at her she smiled at me running her hand through my sweaty hair kissing my forehead again

"Miguel" i walked over to his bed shaking him lightly

"mmm" he rolled over looking at me i smiled
"good morning papa why did you go back to sleep" i laughed rubbing his belly he smiled at he and got up to hug me i instantly rapped my arms around him

"i love you papa"
"i love you too mommy"

i held my nose "woo oh my gosh that breath lets go brush your teeth" he started laughing getting up we walked through the hall to the bathroom

standing on his step stool he started to brush his teeth as i brushed his hair carefully i noticed he's tender headed like his mommy

i smiled to my thoughts as Miguel tried to brush his tongue "careful papa and were going to see grandma today alright?" he nodded spitting in the sink

"mema jojo?" he questioned asking about my mom i shook my head in response

"your other grandma baby" he blinked and got down

"i'm not done with your hair baby come back" he walked into his room

"which one should i wear i think the pink and black shorts" he said smiling at me i shook my head 

"lets wear the the black shirt with the white dots" he nodded

after dressing him we walked to the front and i grabbed my keys we walked to my car and drove to Mateo mother house

trying to work on my breathing i got out of the car walking to Miguel side of the car taking him out of his car seat Miguel jumped out and head his hand out for me

Walking to the front of the gate i opened it walking up the stairs with my baby knocking on the door i stopped him and looked down at him like he was crazy he smiled and i laughed at him

i knocked again and the door swing open looking down at my 5'5 frame was Mateo older brother Ant he stood 6'2 not taller than Mateo but they resemble each other

he rolled his eyes at me i looked down and back up at him

"So you finally decided to come back 2 years later hm?" Ant asked me

he wasn't wrong what i did was horrible i stopped bringing Miguel because of Mateo mother Miguel probably doesn't even member any of them

"Hey Miguel" Ant squatted down to Miguel and Miguel smiled my heart felt like it got squashed and i felt horrible all over again

"Ant i'm sorry i-"

"leave it alone Camila" he picked Miguel up and walked into the house i followed behind them walking in i saw most of his family sitting in the living room and at the dinner table with foods in pans

Looking over i saw Mateo picture under the tv my heart sunk all over again i started to tear up

"why is she here?" i heard a familiar voice with a thick accent

i turned to see Mateo mother and she looks at me with so much hate i opened my mouth to talk but Ant beat me to it

"you know why she's here ma please stop not today"

the room became quiet and i notice the kids were in another room playing

"she's the reason why my baby isn't here with us today SHE GOT HIM KILLED" his mother screamed out heading towards me

"I TRIED TO STOP HIM!" i screamed out
"this is exactly why i haven't came around because you- y'all can't seem to see where i come from i had his baby i had to raise HIS child without him!" it was dead quiet

All of Mateos family is looking at me some of the looks were sorry looks some of the looks were hateful

"how do we know that he's Mateo?" his mother asked me
i snapped my head to her direction and started heading her way

Ant arm stopped me and shook his head
"mom you know you see Teo in that boy please stop not tod-"

i let out a sigh "it's not even worth it i loved that man with all my heart he was my everything every single time i look at Miguel i-i can't help but to feel horrible because he's growing up without a father figure" i choked out the last part

Ant hugged me and i was shook by the gesture but i hugged him back

"sit i'll make you a plate" he said and the rest of the family went back to what they were doing as i sat at the table by myself holding my head down

"stop" i heard Ant say from a distance as he headed towards me i looked up at him and smiled

i took in his looks and i notice he was standing there for some time now

"i am sorry though Ant"

"i know" he said taking a seat
"lets get out of here" i looked at him like he was crazy

"and what about Miguel?"

he smiled and it sent a chill down my spine
oh God forgive me

"he's safe with my mother she's crazy but she ain't that crazy she loves him trust me"

i nodded looking at him and he took my hand pulling me up

"but i'm hungry" he shook his head
"i forgot about that" i started laughing

"just 20 minutes that's all i need" he said to me

"for what exactly?" i looked at him and smiled

do we like Ant?

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