Chapter 26

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having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.

My stomach dropped it felt like the world stopped for a second
"w-what do you mean?" I stood up straight waiting for him to answer my question but he just looked at me with no emotion

"Ace what do you mean" looking up at him

"please just spit it out" my eyes started to burn as he looked down at me

he opened his mouth to speak

"Alvaro!" he closed his mouth and looked back

the female from earlier came outside walking towards us quickly

"Qué pasa?" she asked wrapping her arm around his waist passionately kissing him he didn't kiss back

I turned to get in the car

"Camila" I turned around facing Ace


"what do you want with my man?" the chick asked with a mug on her face cutting me off

"be quiet Elina " he pulled himself away from her stepping in front of me

"Listen i'll tell you later just get home safely"

I nodded in response moving away from him


The ride home was quiet I wouldn't complain about quietness but the only thing on my mind was what Ace told me

I put Miguel in his pajamas and laid him down


I turned around looking at his small body on the bed

"what's wrong baby?"

"can you lay with me?" I got in his small bed laying down with him


"i don't understand what do you mean Ant made him?" my mother asked

"No idea he told me he was going to talk to me abo-"

my phone started ringing my mother looked at me with one of her eyebrows raised

I picked it up holding the hold to my ear

"Camila" i felt the air from the phone on my ear

putting the phone down I looked at my mother in shock she gave me a head nod encouraging me to put the phone back to my ear


"come outside" with that he hung up I sighed removing myself from the couch

"he's outside?" I nodded to my mother question "okay so help me find my house shoes"

I started laughing shaking my head

"mom no let me take care of it myself" she nodded laying back on the couch

"scream if you need me child" nodding I headed towards the door

When I opened the door and he was leaning on the porch

"before we even have a conversation how did you figure out my mother address" closing the door behind me i quickly took a seat

Ace sighed closing his eyes and looking back at me "just listen to me-"

"I told you that Ant was the reason but it's really my fault too" he pointed towards his chest


"Look Cam I-"

"Camila" I saw his jaw twitch

"Listen i'm only here to tell you that Ant fucked with my money and...."

I rolled my eyes

"and i ended up killing Matteo" he shrugged and I nodded

"Ace...This is some bullshit and I most definitely don't understand any of this street shit" I tried getting up but he grabbed my wrist

"listen i'm telling you this because Ant is a snake and I don't want you to be around him most definitely not with my child in you"

I shook my head mugging him

"oh so now it's your child what happened to-"

"shut the hell up" he cut me off

"Who the hell are you to tell me who I can and can not be around you got damn dic-"

"I'm the father of that child that's in your body right now" he pushed himself off the porch banister

"I don't need you Alvaro...I don't" I shrugged

"just stop being so stubborn Camila damn I want this to work out"

"there is no got damn 'this' we don't got shit to do with each other damn it and-"

a car quickly pulled up making me stop mid- sentence

"mommy!" Miguel ran out of the car smiling showing his small teeth he ran up the steps


"The school called me saying that he wasn't feeling well and they tried to get in contact with his mother but she wasn't picking up the damn phone" Ant slammed the car door

"he looks fine to me- so why-" Miguel smile dropped once I said that I closed my eyes taking a breath "go in the house Miguel"

"but mommy I-"

"now." he quickly rushed into my mother's house

"So this is why you weren't picking up?" Ant came up the porch stairs

"please just go Ant" I rolled my eyes

"no not if this idiot gone stay here...why is this mother fucker-"

I sighed sitting back down

"please don't tell me you're keeping that got damn baby Camila" Ant mean mugged me

I swallowed the lump that was in my throat

"listen it's my body-" my voice cracked

"Nah man i'm not going to let you have this motherfuckers baby!" Ant yelled getting closer to me

Ace put his arm out blocking off Ant

Ant looked at Ace with one eyebrow raised

"you tried to convince her to get an abortion you piece of shit?" Ace turned his body towards Ant slowly

"you killed my brother you dumb fuck and how slow do you have to be Camila got damn it!?" Ace pushed Ant back

I jumped up from my seat quickly

"Guys stop! please stop!" they started punching each other "stop damn it!"

The front door swung open

"Y'all got 5 seconds to get your asses off my got damn porch" my mother yelled out making them stop

They both looked at her then back at each other

"get the stepping got damn it! acting like 14 year olds for crying out loud shes fucking pregnant she doesn't need this much got damn stress she already lost one!"

Ace fast softened looking at me I looked away from him and at my mother

"lets go get out of here- Camila get your black ass in the house now."

The both started to make their way down the porch steps

I walked into the house

"got them grown ass men acting like little ass boys-" she slammed the door


hey chickens i'm sorry i've been busy on one of my other books please don't hate me LOL!

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