chapter thirteen

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chapter thirteen ~ the van where it happen



I try to stay awake while Lavinia and I scope out for Lance. He's got to be hiding something. Why would someone like him look that suspicious. My coffee from earlier's caffeine was fading away quickly leading me to drift my eyes into slumber.

Once I open my eyes again I had found myself back in the apocalypse. "No no no..." I worriedly muttered stepping out of the van. The sky was a smoky brown covered in dark clouds. Every building was demolished leaving nothing but debris everywhere.

A faint purple light starts flicker by a pile of rubble. It was almost like a flash for help. I chased after it not knowing what it would lead me to. When I found the source of the light I really wished I hadn't done so. It was Lavinia with her pupils rolled to the back of her head, veins glowing neon purple, and dried maroon blood spilt from her chapped mouth. She was dead, but not from the apocalypse. It was something else. What had Lavinia done to the world to deserve such a horrible death?

The dust in the air started to thicken limiting the polluted air supply. My throat felt like it was closing up until a soft tap on my shoulder distracted me. Behind me was 16 year old Sunny wearing a clean white dress and a yellow flower crown. Just like she had been in his dreams.

"Five..." she dreamily said with her naturally sweet voice. I left Lavinia going to give Sunny a tight hug, for the first time ever I craved someone else's touch. She squeezed back as I sighed out of relief. The only person that could drag me away from reality. When I released her embrace her smile faltered. "Wake up Five... wake up for me..."

She had begun fading away into tiny particles. What was happening? She was leaving me stuck in this destroyed world. "Sunny don't leave me," I begged trying to hold her hands. However my solid fingers went right through her opaque ones.

"I love y-" Sunny got blown away by the wind not to be seen again. I yell out for her, but no one could hear me. Because everyone  was dead. And they will be dead if I don't do anything about it. I got to do this to save the world. More importantly to save Sunny, so we could grow old together (if my old body could ever be restored), get married, maybe have a kid, and have a happy normal life.

"Five... wake up... Five!" Lavinia yelled in my ear nudging my shoulder. I swat her hand away while rubbed my eyes.

"What is it?" I groggily ask trying to get over the after effects of sleeping.

"I thought you would like to know that there is a big oaf outside calling your name," she informed. "Unless you want to let him bust through the window, by all means catch some zzz's Sleeping Beauty." I look out the window to find Luther opening the door.

"Five, what are you..." he starts to question before looking at Lavinia strangely. "Who're you?"

"Oh I'm Lavinia." She held out her hand and Luther's face changed from confused to realization in a hot second. Like he knew something about her I didn't. He took her hand shaking it with his big ape like ones. "Do you want to sit here?"

"If you don't mind." Lavinia shrugged crawling to the back of the vehicle. When she made it, Luther struggled drastically on trying to fit in the van. He eventually got in panting for breath. "You good?"

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐀𝐥𝐥 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬)Where stories live. Discover now