chapter sixteen

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chapter sixteen ~ when skies are gray



     To everyone else it felt like hours have passed since the day after the fight, but for Sunshine it felt like minutes. She couldn't stop thinking about Lavinia. Her mind flooded with the thoughts of her defenseless on her bed. That was when they must of took her, while she was sleeping those sneaky bastards.

       Sunny couldn't sleep with these thoughts in mind. Allison almost had to shove sleeping pills down her throat before she agreed to close her eyes. How could she sleep peacefully knowing her daughter was missing? There was nothing that could make the flashes of her child screaming go away every time she blinked her eyes. It was torture. The thought clawed its way into her soul destroying her bit by bit.

Daylight came quick with the sun shining brightly through the window. Sunny was laying on her yellow bed feeling lifeless accompanied by her dried out tears stained on her face. Her cheeks were red and the bags under her eyes looked darker from smudged mascara. She needed to find Lavinia, but she had this disturbing feeling in her gut that weighed her down.

Questions like, what if Lavinia was no where to be found, floated around. What if she disappeared off the face of the Earth just like Five once did? Sunny was considering the option on just giving up before starting. It was better to not start something that would hurt in the end.

Allison watched her sister stare at the ceiling with no purpose in her eyes. It was heart breaking to see her stuck back in her gray state. If you think about people's feelings as mood rings, Sunny was always yellow meaning happy and optimistic. Gray, a depressing color meant neutral or absent. The yellow sense of spirit had left Sunny's body making her feel absent from the present.

Joining Allison at the door frame was Pogo. He too was watching Sunshine with sadness. She was normally the one that made everyone happy when skies were gray like today. That's how the song goes at least.

Pogo knew a solution to Sunny's problem and even the rest of the siblings knew it to be obvious. She needed Five badly. More than anything right now, but nobody knew where he was which sucked. Allison left to talk to Luther, leaving Pogo to be the one that walked into Sunny's room.

"How are you feeling Miss Sunshine?" He asked her calmly. She didn't respond for a while and kept staring at the ceiling.

"Broken Pogo," she confessed. "Like a piece of me has left my very being." There was another moment a silence before Pogo spoke again.

"Why don't you go out and find that piece than?" He suggested. The woman took her eyes off the ceiling looking over at Pogo. "If you can't be 'complete' without her, than why not go find your daughter?"

"But where would I even begin?" Sunny asks sitting up. "I don't even know who those lunatics from last night were."

"I have no map Miss Sunshine. I can not help you as much as you may wish. But think about the amount of other people who are willing to help. You have endless support all around you. The more help you get, the more you can build that map to finding her."

Sunny got out the bed, her eyes glimmering with hope for the first time that day. Pogo knew right then that he helped her at least feel better about the situation. He just hoped Five would show up soon to break the glass of her retched state.

"And if I end up disappointed?" Sunshine asks lastly looking at the monkey.

Pogo then pointed out, "Expect disappointment and you won't be disappointed." Then just like a lightbulb flickered on, Sunny knew who would help her and she needed to find him quickly.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐀𝐥𝐥 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬)Where stories live. Discover now