chapter three

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chapter three ~ come back




     With her delicate touch, Grace placed the record on to the gramophone leaving no finger prints on the disc. The needle knelt down to start playing an extremely boring voice that the children were forced to listen to every meal. The dull voice echoed through the dining room loud enough to fill the whole house.

     Grace was in a teal hoop skirt dress with her white lace apron. Her face was perfectly aligned to make the perfect smile. Everything about her was perfect. Too perfect some times. In her hand she had a little bell that she rang signaling the children that it was time for supper. After the ringing stopped, you could hear the rushing of feet trudging down stairs trying to get to dinner on time.

     The woman smiled widely as the kids started straightening out their uniforms making themselves presentable for their father. Every meal of every day the children sat in the same spots. On the right side of the table it went Five, Diego, Sunshine, and Luther. The other side consisted of Allison, Ben, Vanya, and then Klaus. The Almighty Reginald Hargreeves sat at the end of the table so he could look at everyone.

Striding toward his chair, Reginald arrived a mere few seconds after the kids. His normal face fixture was an intimidating glare. The monocle he wore also didn't help the situation of trying not to be scared of him. All eight kids stood behind their chairs looking down to their feet. No one dared to look him in the eye.

"Sit," he commanded allowing everyone to move their chair. Silverware clatterd, waters were drunk, and everyone was silent except for Herr Carlson on the gramophone.

Just like the seats, everyone did their own thing during meals. Luther and Allison had unprotected eye intercourse over their meals (making many of their siblings gag), Diego would carve into his chair with one of his knives, Ben would be reading a book casually eating the food off his plate, Klaus would somehow find drugs to push away the ghosts around him, Sunshine would draw on the arm of her chair (but she didn't today because she felt sick to her stomach for some odd reason), Vanya would eat her food in peace without doing anything for entertainment. Than their was Five. He would normally join Vanya in just eating his food, but today was different. Today he was staring right into his father's eyes. Something the other kids would never dream of doing.

Sunshine felt nauseous. Maybe it's just that time of month. Her eyes wandered over to her friend. Five was still staring at Reginald with a serious face. She never have seen him this intense before. The two haven't spoken since days before. The night where she uttered some words she hoped wouldn't affect their relationship.


Five had stabbed his place mat on the table with a steak knife. Everyone flinched at the unexpected noise including Grace. His usual smug face was not looking pleasant.

"Number Five?" Reginald questioned not looking at him.

"I have a question," he inquired not breaking eye contact with the old man.

"Knowledge is an admiral goal, but you know the rules. No talking during meal times. You are interrupting Herr Carlson." Their was a silence where everyone thought the fight was done. One thing to know about Five, he is a stubborn bastard.

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