chapter five

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chapter five ~ first daddy daughter dance



     Apparently the only way to settle arguments in this family was by physical force. Diego and Luther started having a fight in the courtyard in the middle of dad's funeral. Very mature. Sunny and I moved farther away from the fight as Klaus shielded us with his arm. I didn't even bother swatting it away because my main focus was to keep Sunny far from being punched.

     "Boys stop this at once!" Pogo insisted trying to be assertive.

     "Hit him! Hit him!" Klaus cheered on. The fight continued with punches and kicks to the stomach. This is the family I came back to. They were all still fighting with each other like we're 13 years old. I shift my gaze away from the fight looking up to Sunny. Her eyes were glossy like she was about to cry.

      "Hey... Sunny are you okay?" She immediately starts shaking her head letting me go.

     "They're getting to close to it," she pointed out her voice breaking. I look back at the family duel to see that the fight moved right besides Ben's memorial statue. Everyone knew that Ben and Sunny were best friends when we were younger which honestly made me a little jealous. That was all behind me now. I'm the one who ended up with Sunny, right?

     One thing lead to another and just in a flash Luther missed Diego punching Ben's statue instead, knocking it to the ground. No one made a sound. You could only hear the rain pelting down on the earth. I turn back to Sunny to see she was on the point of breaking down. I tried holding her hand, but she resisted. She instead walked over to the statue.

     "Sunny I-I didn't-" Luther starts to apologize. Sunshine lifted up her hand materializing an energy force at the tips of her fingers. Luther started to levitate off the ground with her powers wrapped around his neck.

     "-You should of stayed on the moon," she insulted with no mercy left in her eyes. No one has ever received this look before at least to my knowledge. It was terrifying, but attractive in some way.

     She dropped him and he landed on to his knees. He looked shaken up. I always made a joke saying the only reason she was number zero was that she was the most powerful and surpasses one.

     Luther who was obviously embarrassed walked back inside followed by Allison and Pogo. Diego brought Mom inside with him and Vanya stayed out as long as she could before retreating indoors. All that was left was Klaus, Sunny, and I.

     Sunny knelt next to the broken statue. I could hear her whimpers as she cried on the soaked ground. The rain made everything more depressing as the trees sagged and the sky fogged. I wanted to go over to her until Klaus stopped me. "Klaus let me-"

     "Leave her" he cuts off

     "What?" I question.

     "She doesn't need you right now. She needs Ben." He patted the air motioning it towards Sunny. Probably one of his highs right now. I continue going back towards Sunny until I see her holding the hand of the broken statue. I guess Klaus was right in a way. She needed alone time with Ben.

As Sunny laid there a couple of blue birds start making their way towards her. They landed on her shoulder nuzzling in close. Freaky. I let out a sigh before heading back inside. I really need a coffee right now.

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