valentines bonus

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So I had been reading your comments in this story and one came to my attention written by @-NEPTUNES . I have noticed that this book is very story oriented to the original show. I haven't put much of Sunny and Five fluff in the story. I came to a conclusion that I feel
is a safe bet.

Five and Sunny fell in love with each other when they were kids. In most other books Five develops his feelings with whoever the author inserts later in the story. In Fairest of Them All, Five and Sunny are already in love. They went through the flirty stage, the kissing stage, and even the you know what stage. They are almost like an old married
couple at this point.

Does that mean I'm going to stop writing fluff scenes? No. I will be doing flashbacks to the moments where the two had fallen for each other. For instance, in this chapter I will show a flashback to when they were kids.

Since this book is mainly based around the storyline and Lavinia's relationship with everyone I thought you guys
would enjoy that.

But is a cute moment from Sunny and Five's past 🥰


     October was the children's favorite month of the year

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October was the children's favorite month of the year. It was the month of their birthday and the month of Halloween. The only holiday when Reginald wouldn't be around. He always had business to attend to out of town on the last week of October. This gave the Umbrella kids a time to be normal.

This Halloween the children's nanny, Grace let them make their own costumes. Previous years she would make them all matching costumes, but this year they would be creating their own costumes.

Sunny looked at herself in the mirror, dancing around in the costume she made. Of course Grace helped her get the materials and equipment, but she made it all by herself. For an eleven year old, it was mightily impressive on what she could do (with the help of a little magic too).

 For an eleven year old, it was mightily impressive on what she could do (with the help of a little magic too)

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As Sunny admired her lilac dress and wings in the mirror, a loud warping noise came from behind her. She watched as Five fall out of his portal landing on her bright yellow bed. She giggled turning away from the mirror. "You almost got it Fivester. I believe in you."

"You seem to be the only one," he mumbled standing up adjusting his red vest. Five was obviously the iconic Marty McFly. The Back to the Future movies helped Five grow to love the power he was born with, time travel. So he was forever in debt to those characters for helping him to never give up. "Love your costume by the way, Fairy Princess."

     "You're looking good as well McFly," Sunny complimented adjusting her flower crown

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"You're looking good as well McFly," Sunny complimented adjusting her flower crown. Five revealed a small smirk while picking up his 'hoverboard' that fell out of his hands. An idea came to Sunny and she grinned wickedly. "Hey Five stand on your board."

He was confused, but Five shrugged his shoulders doing what he was told. "What are you doing Sunny?" She didn't answer. Sunny created a red orb in her hand lifting up Five's board making it hover. He was shocked that he was balancing so well.

"Sunny! What are you doing!" He yelled scared he was levitating off the ground.

"Don't worry Five I got it under control. Just enjoy the ride!" Sunny pushes the board out of her room with Five on it. He starts screaming as he zooms around the hall.

"Sunny!" Five yelled flaying his arms around. The blonde ran to the hall watching her best friend fly around on his hover board like the real Marty McFly.

"Whoa! Sunny why does Five get a cool ride?" Klaus yelled watching his brother fly around the house. Klaus was wearing a bloody white shirt with cereal boxes on them. Each box had its own individual knife stabbed on it. He has been bragging the whole week saying he was going to be a cereal killer for Halloween and it was quite hilarious now that you look at it.

"It's because she likes Five more than you, you idiot," Allison stated as if it were obvious. Sunny heard what her sister said and her eyes glowed as red as her cheeks. She flicked her hand making Allison trip over her feet. "Hey!"

Klaus and Sunny laughed until they both saw Five coming around the corner. He was going really fast. Too fast for Sunny to stop him. He collided with the young girl and they both went tumbling down the stairs of the mansion. They reached the first floor and the two friends both had purple bruises on their faces.

"I'm so sorry Sun," Five apologized checking on the girls bruises.

"There's no need to apologize Five I made you get on the board," Sunny explained taking the bone for the incident. The were both laying next to each other on the ground. Then Sunshine looked up at the ceiling starting to laugh slowly. Five shifted his gaze to his best friend.

"Sunny why are you laughing?"

"It's just that I've never heard you scream before." She continued laughing at her realization. "Your face was priceless!" Five shook his head coming to a funny idea.

"Do you know what else is funny?" Sunny stopped laughing to listen to Five. "The fact that I know your ticklish spot."

Sunny's eyes went wide and she stood up quickly. One of her wings was bent from the fall and her flower crown was crooked. "Don't you dare Five Hargreeves..."

Five jumped from the ground making Sunny run away in fear she was going to get tickled to death. "I just want a hug my Sunshine that's all!"

Ben in his ghost costume and Vanya in her  conductor costume were watching the whole scene play out from the balcony. "They are so in love," Ben said dreamily.

"Definitely," Vanya answered his thought watching her two favorite siblings.

STORY NOTE: Five's blue teleporting powers + Sunny's red power orbs = Lavinia's purple force field powers/name!!

2/15/23: The story will be on pause for a while because I do not have Netflix for the month, so I have no way on continuing. Don't worry our hero family will return! Till then, i bid you goodbye ☂️

6/17/23: ignore past me, I'm back!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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