chapter twenty seven

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chapter twenty seven ~ the day that was



There were calls from Lavinia's aunt and uncles to come back, but nobody ran after her. When she exited the house she took in a deep breath and let it out deeply.

Before her journey out to the city she was stopped by Peter. "What are you doing?" He asked frantically holding on to one of her shoulders. "You can't leave me in there with your family. They're scary."

Instead of saying anything, Lavinia rose up
on to her toes bringing the boy into a kiss. Her first kiss. His first kiss. It was magnificent until she released herself melting into a smile. "Thank you," she said before walking off.

Peter was left stunned.

He chased right after Lavinia stopping her. "Peter what-" she began before he pulled her into a kiss. It was as magical as their first one seconds ago.

In an alleyway near by the young lovers was Agent Angel from the Commission. He had a gun pointed and ready to shoot his target, Lavinia Hargreeves. It didn't matter to him if he got the boy too. It would add to his bonus for the job if he took out a future Avenger.

As he tried to keep the target steady, Five and Sunny showed up in the alleyway with a briefcase in their hands. Handing off the briefcase to Five, Sunshine used her powers to take the gun from the man's hands breaking it in half. The pieces of the weapon fell to the group confusing him.

"You have certainly messed with the wrong family," Five announced blinking down the alley kicking his shins. The man fell to his knees letting Five snap his neck. Sunny had no time to look away, but it didn't matter.

Her philosophy about death has changed in the past couple of hours. Some people don't deserve death such as the innocent beings the Commission targets, whereas people like the Handler or the bad guys they fought in the last couple of days don't deserve to live. Sunshine had finally cracked the code on life after all this time.

"Did we do it?" She asked catching up with Five ignoring the dead agent. Sunny looked around the corner of the alley to see Peter and Lavinia still locked in a kiss. When Five looked over his mouth pursed and his eyebrows furrowed together. He didn't like this one bit. It was his duty as father to be overprotective of his daughter, even though he just figured this out. "Hey calm down, this is cute."

"I'm sorry, but do you not see that boy stealing our daughter's heart and mouth?" He questioned acting flustered.

"You did the same with me at that age Fivester," Sunny reminded dragging her love out of the alleyway. Soon enough Lavinia released from her kiss with Peter as she heard footsteps behind her. When she turned around her eyes widen to see not just her mom, but also her dad. After disappearing a few hours ago she was glad to have them back.

Running away from Peter she went to her parents giving them both tight squeezing hugs. They hugged her back not wanting to let go ever again. It was a heart warming Hallmark scene going on right outside the academy.

"I knew you would come back," she said trying to keep away the tears.

"We'll always come back to you," Five told Lavinia. When they let go the two teenage adults stared at Peter. He felt anxious at her first thinking he was going to get yelled at. Then Sunny gave him a hug.

"Thanks for taking care of her," she said graciously letting go of him. "Come on I think the rest of the family would want to know we're back." So the four walk back to the I'm Umbrella Academy leaving the dead body of Agent Angel in the alleyway down the street. So sad that he didn't live long enough to get kicked in the face by Sunny after his mission.

Back inside the house, the siblings were still arguing in the living room about what they should do to stop this apocalypse. Peter, Lavinia, Five, and Sunny entered the room and none paid attention. "Jesus Christ we leave you for a couple hours and you're already at each other's throats," Sunny joked getting their siblings to stop bickering.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Luther asked as Five took Allison's cup of coffee.

"Irrelevant," he answers chugging down the drink. Peter and Lavinia sat down back on the couch as Sunny took away Klaus's cup drinking out of it as well.

"And where did you guys run off to?" Diego asked the teenagers. Peter looked down at his lap as Lavinia decided to answer.

"I was going to find my parents and Peter was trying to get me to come back." Diego wasn't at all convinced, but he let it slide.

Five seemed to be stumbling a lot more and Sunny noticed his new stance. That wasn't like him even with his new old man walk. "So the apocalypse is in three days," Five finally told the whole family. "The only chance we have to save the world is, well, us."

"The Umbrella Academy," Luther mumbled.

"Yeah, but with Lavinia, Peter, and me obviously," he added. "So if you don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed."

The siblings looked down at their feet. They knew he was right, but did not want to admit to the truth.

"Who cares if Dad messed us up?" Sunny decided to say. "Are we gonna let that define us?" Klaus who felt inspired shook his head. "No. And to give us a fighting chance this week, Five and I have come back with a lead." Sunny took out the folded piece of paper that Five gave him. "We know who's responsible for the apocalypse."

She handed the paper to Allison who began unfolding it. "This is who we have to stop." When Allison opened it she quirked her eyebrow up.

"Harold Jenkins?" Allison questioned.

"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"

All eyes went toward Five who was still drinking his sister's cup of coffee. Than he tossed the cup across the room and sighed. "We don't know."

Lavinia threw her head wishing that this apocalypse would just end.

audri speaks!
i exactly borrowed this gilmore girls scene bcs it's perfect for this

audri speaks!i exactly borrowed this gilmore girls scene bcs it's perfect for this

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hope you have a great day/night!
~ audri ☔️

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