wishin' you were sitting here, right next to me

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this is from a request i got, it's a part two of 'you said you'd grow old with me'. if you haven't read that one yet, i suggest you do. before reading this one!


Twelve year old Bree Karev sat on her bed in her room, confused, and even a little bit mad. Today marked yet another failed attempt to set her mom up on a date. Ever since she was eight, Bree had been trying to push guys toward her mom. It was never hard for her to convince men, one look at Jo and they'd be gone, but her mom politely declined. Every. Single Time.

Bree was a hopeless romantic. One that believed in happily ever afters and love at first sight. She knew that her mom was still in love with her dad, that she always would be, but it had been nearly thirteen years since his death. She just wanted her mom to be happy, and what better way to be happy than have someone to laugh with and smile until your cheeks hurt?

Never once had she seen her mom with a man that wasn't a friend. No boyfriends, and as far as she knew, any potential one-night stands would've occurred when she was out of the house, so who knows if she even had any of those.

The girl is broken from her thoughts when she feels a soft knock on her door, looking up to see her mom in her doorway, a small smile on her face. "Get ready for bed, you have school tomorrow." Jo says, about to turn around when her daughter's voice stops her.

"Wait," she says, looking at her mom with implying eyes. "Why do you always say no?" she asks.

Jo looks at her daughter, her small smile dropping from her face. Truthfully, she had fully forgotten about her daughter's little set up from a few hours before, more focused on spending time with Bree than her attempts to meddle with her love life.

"I know you still love him, I do too. But, it's been so long." Bree says, not noticing how Jo's eyes grow sad, too focused on picking at the skin near her fingernails.

Jo sighs, making her way over to her daughter's bed and sitting down next to her, ruffling the grey and white floral comforter underneath them, which matched the rest of the bedroom's decor.

"Why don't you want to move on?" the girl asks.

Jo lets out a loud sigh. It was time Bree learned their story. Their crazy, messed up, love story that was like something out of a soap opera. She'd been putting it off for years, waiting until Bree was older, more mature. She would've preferably waited until she was sixteen, but she knew her (not-so-little) little girl was getting frustrated. Jo knew that Bree's intentions were pure every time she tried to set her up. It wasn;t because she felt she didn't have a father figure, it was something she wanted to do just for her mom.

The mom purses her lips, prepared to let the words flow out of her mouth. Right now, she wouldn't let her brain filter through what she was going to say. She wasn't going to hold back. Bree deserved that.

"Your dad taught me what love was- no, showed me what love was, real love." she feels Bree's eyes on her. Telling her daughter about her past was something that was terrifying her to her core. It was something she would've liked to keep secret, but knew that that couldn't be the case.

Jo lets out a shaky breath. "I was twenty-two when I met Paul Stadler." she starts, not needing to look over to know that her daughter's eyes were wide. Her mom wasn't one to talk about ex's. Granted, Jo didn't really have many.

"He was charming, funny, kind," Jo huffs, taking her daughter's hand in hers and rubbing her thumb against the back of it. It didn't matter how many years passed, Paul and memories of what had been would always haunt her. While she was pregnant with Bree, her nightmares had started back up again. It wasn't until a while later when she realized the only reason she stopped having them for all those years was because she had Alex holding her while she slept, when she felt completely safe. They had dialed down over the years, but occasionally she would wake up in cold sweats, her dreams feeling too close to reality.

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