clair de lune

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another prompt i got off tumblr. this isn't jolex, but rather sweet little moments between jo and luna!


"Welcome home Luna," she says to the quiet apartment, reveling in the way it felt like a home. She sits on the floor, rocking the car seat back and forth while her little girl sleeps, her fist curled into the blanket Link had gifted her a few months prior. She uses her finger to trace the outline of Luna's nose, giggling silently when it scrunches up in her sleep. 

She glances around the apartment, large and spacious in the matter of there was no furniture in it. New things would be delivered soon, but for now she had herself, her little girl, a mattress, and a Pack 'N Play, and wouldn't wish for anything else.

Luna squirms a bit in her seat, and Jo thinks she's going to wake up, when she really just circles her hand around Jo's finger that had fallen close to her chest.

She feels her heart clench, immediately scrabbling at her phone to capture the moment, breathing a sigh of relief when the picture is taken and her baby hadn't moved. 

With that, another photo is added to the album she had labeled under Luna, and she laughs to herself at the absurd amount of pictures she already had of her daughter.

After a few minutes had gone, she tries to remove her finger to get a snack, but settles back down when Luna's grip around her finger just tightens.

She sighs, but it's more of a promise to the words that she says next.

"I'll never leave you, I promise."


She was driving frantically through the streets of Seattle, rain beating down against her windshield as she made a turn. She bit her bottom lip anxiously, nibbling on it until she could taste the copper on her tongue.

Pulling into the parking garage she stops the car haphazardly into the nearest space, snatching her purse so quickly from the passenger seat it nearly whips her in the face.

While in the elevator she pushes the top floor button so many times it nearly breaks, tapping her foot against the cool marble tile. Normally, she would marvel at the way that the elevator had such flooring (three months of living there and she still wasn't used to such luxury) but tonight it was the furthest thing from her mind.

When the doors finally slide open, she's out of them so quickly she nearly trips over her own feet, brushing multiple strands of dark hair that had fallen out of her bun behind her ears and out of her eyes. She swings the door of her home open, not even caring to notice the sound it made when it banged against the wall, too focused on the cries coming from the nursery.

Before she even reaches the room, the nanny comes out, carrying a crying Luna in her arms, trying to calm her down with gentle words and hushes.

"Oh thank god," she says, exhaustion plain on her features. "I've been trying to get her to quiet down for over thirty minutes now. I've tried feeding her, changing her, rocking her, but nothing's worked. I called you as soon as I knew you would be off work. I'm so sorry Jo, it's just that—"

"—Hey, hey," she says gently, taking her daughter from the girl. "It's okay, I've got it from here. Thank you, take thirty from my wallet," she starts rocking Luna in her arms, the screaming cries coming slowly to a stop once she comes to the realization that she was in her mother's arms.

The nanny lets out a sigh, "How—? I mean, I've tried everything, but—" she stops, tucking the money into her back pocket as she watches Luna's cries settle down to soft whimpers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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