heart of gold

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Of all people to notice Alex Karev's strange ability to work well with children first, no one would've expected it to be Cristina Yang.

It was fairly early in their intern year, and both she and Karev were on the pediatrics rotation with Dr. Keith, someone who they could both agree was an arrogant son of a bitch that thought way too highly of himself for his own good.

They'd been trailing behind him like lost puppies all day, listening to him go on and on while he talked to the patient's families, not even bothering to ask his interns any questions. He always thought that interns were a waste of time and space. He's much rather have at least a third year resident on his service, but no such luck. They felt like crap and both wanted to kick the guy in the ass, but knew that the only thing that would do is get them knocked out of the program.

Six hours into their shift, the two were about to head to the cafeteria for a much desired lunch break when their pagers rang out, loud groans escaping their mouths at the noise they had come to detest the last couple of weeks.

All Alex really wanted was a slice of the hospital's pizza. Granted, the crust tasted like cardboard, the cheese was old, and the sauce had no flavor, but he was craving it like crazy. He hadn't gone out for groceries recently, so the only thing that was stocked in the shelves of his small apartment was cereal, some oatmeal, and off brand, nearly expired crackers that he had since he finished med school a couple of months ago. He had --for some unknown reason-- shoved them into a backpack that had made it with him as he traveled from Iowa to Washington, completely untouched.

With a huff he turns on his heel and makes his way to the pit where he was being paged, purposefully avoiding eye contact with the nurse he disrespected on his first day, along with the ones he'd slept with and hadn't called back. He had a pretty large list of nurses who didn't like him, and he didn't feel like making that list any longer. Not today, at least.

Keith instructed him to go cast an arm for the seven year old in bed six, while Yang was told to go stitch up the cut on the little girl in bed two.

When Alex was done he passed by Yang's area, watching as she was trying to calm down the little girl who couldn't be more than five. The girl had tears streaming down her face and was nuzzled into the mom's chest. The mother was glaring at the female doctor, who was saying something Alex could make out as "it's not even scary, it's just a needle."

All he really wanted to do was get that damn pizza slice, and he had every intention of doing so, but seeing Yang be absolutely hopeless at getting anywhere with the little girl, he felt a bit of sympathy-- not for his fellow intern, but for the kid.

With a sigh he strides over to the bed, watching as the raven head's mouth opens to speak, cutting her off immediately. "Let me handle this." he says, reaching to grab the needle from her head.

Cristina glares at him, her expression turning into one of disgust. No way was she going to let Evil Spawn steal her patient, no matter how much she wished she'd be doing anything else.


"--Yang!" he cuts her off sharply, plucking the needle from her hand and bumping her out of the way. Not the nicest thing to do, but she was practically terrifying the little girl. There was no way she would trust the doctor now.

His coworker scoffs, huffing a 'fine' before she goes to stand back and watch the scene, more than eager to watch the man fail. What good could he do? The girl was crying the second she had taken the disinfectant out.

Alex pulls up a chair, grabbing the attention of the little girl, who looks up from her mother's chest for a second, only to dive back in right after.

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