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A/N: Any and ALLLL further questions on what the heckles happened in the story will be answered here. So if you still have questions about the book, tell me and I'll be happy to answer them in this section!

⤷ There was going to be no soulmate au.

⤷ Y/N had a lively personality.

⤷ She was going to meet Lui during one of his matches being broadcasted in the city on the tele (TV) as she went for a cooling-off stroll around at early dawn. The two would then meet in person at a convention where the baby shark somehow agreed to come along.

⤷ As a mighty-fine blader herself, she wanted to challenge him and perhaps break his streak in the nationals.

       ⤷ Y/N would've lost the match.

⤷ Akio was originally not going to be depressed—I never mentioned this in this story, but yes, she puts on a brave face in front of her friends. It was hinted a tad bit at the end of chapter 4: Friends. The club knew about her problem.

⤷ Akio was also going to be paired up with Shu (gosh, poor guy).

⤷ Beigoma Bladers were not meant to be acquainted with Y/N.

⤷ Second thoughts were that this should be in the future.

⤷ Still debating even after finished story.

⤷ Btw, I'm making it up as I go—

⤷ So that's why I have this page.

⤷ This chapter is like a 'Behind The Scenes'!

⤷ Y/N wasn't going to move houses.

⤷ Or back—never mind, ignore this.

⤷ Akio actually didn't exist when I first created this.

⤷ But I always like someone being friends with you lovely readers so you don't get so lonely—:P

⤷ Y/N doesn't like violence of any sort—you can probably see that.

⤷ Akio's birthday is on April 1st...Happy April Fools Day!

⤷ Shu's zodiac sign is a Libra, meaning one of the most compatible for an enthusiastic Aries like Akio—okaay, I do like zodiacs and astrology.

⤷ I came up with the idea of Y/N talking Akio from jumping the same time when I reached that part—when she was staring at the clouds on chapter 17 (below)—

⤷ 'Truthfully, I was lying.

My red string led to a grave.

My soulmate was dead.'

⤷ —But I quickly changed that since there was already a lot to take in after the time skip—plus I can't do that to sweet Akio UwU .

⤷ :3

⤷ Yes, Ryoto did have a smaaaaaaaall crush on Y/N—based on the description that Akio said and the many selfies they took together—and because she sounded very lovely. Because of course you, the readers, are amazing! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

⤷ I WAS SO CLOSE TO ADDING A PLOT TWIST—on chapter 19 that they weren't soulmates anymore. But I won't know how to transition from that so...

⤷ My stories aren't planned—I need to fix that.

⤷ Akio always had trouble making friends in the beginning because of her mental health at a young age (Except instead of taking the same submissive turn that Y/N went, she went down another, a rebellious one). That's why she was worried that Y/N might cut her off one day once she got tired of the redhead and needed reassurance every once in a while (Chapt. 10)

⤷ Yes, I did search up 'How to write a kiss scene.' It scarred me and I hope to never write one as cringy as this one again in the future—it hurts to go back and edit it 。゚(゚'ω'゚)゚。

⤷ I had many difficulties—trying to—picking out decent words so that the mood created can be carried on.

⤷ Ryoto's role model is Silas, not Lui—he kind of named his bey after Satomb.

⤷ Shu asks her to hang out outside of work, Y/N agrees. Though, she never picks up on the hints that he drop

⤷ Y/N's actually pretty loyal—or just plain naive and oblivious.

⤷ O-kayyy, so, Y/N is practically the plain main character in a harem game. Unknowingly attractive—but basic—and unbelievably clueless.


⤷ I am clueless about relationships—well maybe not clueless, but just have no actual experience in one 👉👈

⤷ I shifted the age 15 down to 14–as I wanted to be in Surge for the moment.


       ⤷ Sorry if the end of Chapter 15 confuzzled you, that was a glimpse into Akio's childhood

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⤷ Sorry if the end of Chapter 15 confuzzled you, that was a glimpse into Akio's childhood.

⤷ Akio's mom wanted a boy, and she got a girl—so she pretended that Akio was a boy, cut her hair, and neglected her needs ( wow, mom of the year award ).

⤷ Before the time skip, Y/N was taller than Lui by at least 8 inches ( about 20 centimeters ).

       A/N :: Did you like the 'Behind The Scenes'?  Were there stuff that you wish were added in—like a confident Y/N striding into New York City?  Did you like the book the way it turned out? Alright, I'll admit, the end was a tad bit disappointing.


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