aint it fun?

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The figure that was standing outside the garage was indeed Hope, and she was in awe of the brunette's singing ability. She smiled awkwardly and waved towards the group of people in the garage. "So you guys are the band?" She mostly kept her gaze on Josie but glanced on the others every now and then.

Somehow Josie managed to regain control of herself and speak up. "So you're the bass?" She had walked away from the mic and towards Hope. She was hesitant to get close, but the sight of being close to Hope calmed her.

Hope was playing with her fingers and looking down. For a second she looked up and nodded. Was she nervous? "I guess." She finally had the guts to speak up. Josie bit down on her lip and motioned Hope to follow her in the garage. So she did, and set down her case leaning against the wall. Lizzie was eyeing her suspiciously and Hope was confused. What Josie noticed is that Landon looked like a dog in heat staring at Hope. Josie knew he liked Hope and probably has a better chance with her because Josie doesn't even know if she's.

"Josie are you alive?" Lizzie cut her thoughts short. Josie blinked a couple times trying to regain focus on the real world. "Can you stop dozing off?"

Josie looked around like she was lost for a second then took a deep breath. "Yeah I'm good, uh Hope if you would I'd like to talk to you in uh private." Josie put her hands in her jean pockets, Hope nodded and followed Josie inside the house. Josie suddenly turned around which caused Hope to stumble back because she was too close. "So, you can play the bass?" Josie seemed amused.

"Yeah, uh I've been playing since I was 10 and my fingers could barely reach the other end of the neck." Hope laughed lightly and so did Josie. Josie noticed the small dimple Hope had when she smiled, she found it quite adorable.

"Well if you're gonna be in the band I guess I gotta tell you the details." Josie looks anywhere but Hope's eyes. "Uh band practices are every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5 to well whenever. Sometimes we take turns like singing when the other needs a break. We usually pick cover songs and we choose them together as a group. Lizzie is our manager but MG mostly does everything, and if you don't think you're gonna make it to practice you should contact me, cause I know Lizzie won't answer."

"Is being in a band fun?" Hope's tone was soft and serious. "Like do you just forget all about your problems for a couple hours and have fun?

Josie's face softened. "Yeah It's like that, I enjoy being in this band because it makes me feel closer to my friends because we can all bond through one thing." They gaze into each other's eyes until Lizzie interrupts them. " Hope, stop drooling over my sister and show us what you got." Josie tried to hide a small smile and Hope quickly turned as she was trying to hide a blush and stood up.

Hope does as she's told and follows her back into the garage. She grabs the case and grabs her bass, she puts the strap connected to the bass around her then plugs it into an amp. "Oh uh Hope? Do you know Ain't It Fun by Paramore?" Josie turns around to see Hope with an amused smile and a big nod. Josie knew this was one of Hope's favorite songs because she kept humming it in class. They've practiced this song for a long time and now that they have a bass, it should feel complete.

"Ready when you are Kaleb." Josie says through the mic. Kaleb nods and is definitely ready.

(Starts playing the cover of Ain't it Fun by Paramore.)

Kaleb starts on his electric keyboard that acts as a xylophone. Rafael starts at the same time with a small beat on the bass drum. Landon slowly fades in the electric guitar, and at last when it drops Josie starts singing and Hope starts playing the bass.

"I don't mind

Letting you down easy but just give it time"

Josie was amazed at how clear and amazing the bass sounded with this song. She knew she found the perfect person to be the bass player. She smiled at Hope's talent.

"So what are you gonna do

When the world don't orbit around you?"

Jed, Lizzie and MG were all up and dancing to this song. Everyone in the room felt complete of how the song sounded.

"Ain't it fun?"

A couple minutes later the song ended and Josie was almost out of breath of how long that song was. Everyone was cheering for Hope. Hope was smiling really big at the sudden compliments. Landon has been clinging onto her for a while, it made Josie kinda disappointed but also happy for Landon because he has the guts to make a move. Hope completed the eye gaze and it looked like she was blushing. Josie lightly bit her bottom lip before walking over to Hope.

"That was amazing!." Josie said very excitedly.

Hope smiled shyly, looked at the ground and put her hands in her back pocket. "Was it? I absolutely love playing that song, It's one of my favorites." Josie just nodded.

"So, would you like to be in our band?" Josie was nervous that she'd reject the offer.

Hope looked like she was thinking hard. "I mean... of course i'd want to be in your band!" She smiled widely. Josie had never seen her this happy, first Lizzie now her. Josie made a mental note to ask Lizzie why she was so happy today. " Uh, I'll talk to you tomorrow, I gotta go, my aunt is picking me up." She quickly put her bass back into the case, she gave a sweet smile to everyone before she headed out the garage.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Josie said as Hope left the garage. When she was out of sight Josie jumped excitedly.

"Woah what has gotten into you?" Lizzie asks, trying to calm down her sister.

"I could ask the same thing to you." Josie raised an eyebrow at her twin. "Is there something you have to tell me?"

Lizzie let out a breath. "Okay okay," She turned to everyone. "MG and I are officially dating."

"I knew it!" Josie suddenly blurted out and covered her mouth immediately. "Anyways, I'm tired and will see you all tomorrow." She waved them goodbye and went upstairs to her room. She quickly took a shower and went to bed, happier than needed.


The next morning Josie woke up like she was ready for anything to come. She quickly got up and got dressed then met her sister downstairs for breakfast. They quickly ate breakfast and it was Josie's turn to drive. Since she felt energized she was more than happy too. Lizzie knew how bright of a person Josie was, but never this bright. She shook the thought out of her head and grabbed the AUX cord.

The morning was a bit cold, I mean it is Mystic Falls. Josie parked at a spot closest to the entrance. She was a bit eager to get out the car, Lizzie now was so confused. She made a mental note to check on her later.

As Josie entered the school, it seemed that Landon was basically running to her and was smiling like an idiot.

"Woah what's up with you?" Josie lightly laughed.

His smile grew wider. "I asked Hope out." Josie's stomach dropped.

A/N btw none of these songs are mine and i did make a playlist sooo YEAH!

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