you know i talk too much

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Hope blinks her eyes slowly, reluctantly letting them hit the bright sun. She winces, and briefly looks around, realizing she isn't in her own room.

It's Josie's.

She tilts her head down to see a peacefully sleeping brunette letting out small hot breaths on the crook of her neck. Hope stares for a while in adoration until memories of last night come rushing back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" The brunette blurts out quickly catching the auburn-haired girl off guard.

After taking in the information she had just heard, Hope blurts out with no hesitation. "Yes, I would love to."

The pair smiled widely at each other. Electricity fired through their bodies as Hope didn't waste any more time and reconnected their lips.

Hope's eyes shoot wide open at the sudden memory. She swiftly turns her head to the bedside and checks the clock, seeing that it was almost noon.

She really needs to be home soon.

At the same time, Josie stirs awake. Hope tries to carefully untangle herself from the younger girl's embrace, but fails once Josie seems to notice, the brunette clinging on tighter.

"Stay." She mumbles sleepily. Hope freezes, not exactly knowing how to react. Now, she had no other choice than to stay.

Somehow during the night, Hope's shirt had ridden up exposing half of her stomach. At this advantage, Josie lays a hand over the auburnette's flat abdomen. The warm touch of Josie's fingers felt like lava against Hope's skin, but she didn't seem to mind it at all.

"It's almost noon." She whispers, gently stroking Josie's soft tangled brown locks.

Josie finally blinks her eyes open tiredly releasing her grip from Hope to rub her eyes. The younger girl smiles softly at the auburn-haired girl.

"How did you sleep?" Hope asks, her voice coming out rougher than expected.

"Really well." Josie lightly giggles. "You?"

"Really good." Hope lets out a short laugh. Their smiles falter into soft gazes. "About last night when-"

"I wasn't joking by the way." The brunette cuts her off, recounting the moments from last night. Knowing what Hope was talking about, Josie had already been thinking about it. "I really wanna be with you, and I don't know, make it official?"

Josie shyly breaks eye contact with Hope who interlocks one of her free hands with Josie's, giving it a light squeeze.

"You beat me to it." Hope pouts.

"I guess high me is more ambitious." Josie teases, causing a small smile to make its way onto Hope's lips.

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