for the hope of it all

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Surprisingly for Josie, the rest of the week runs smoothly for her, and soon enough it's Friday. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened in the past few days, and they had yet to book another gig to prepare for, so the band had been less stressed. Practice went on as scheduled, and her relationship with Hope had never been better. She had also finished writing her song she worked hard on.

Though they had broken up, her and Penelope have still been texting daily, whether it just be telling each other horrible corny jokes or about their days. The awkwardness between them seemed to fade after a few days, and they were back to normal (without the dating part of course.) For a moment Josie thinks about how she actually considered starting a romantic relationship with the raven-haired girl, when they seemed to get along so much better as friends.

Josie's Friday starts out the same as every other day, until about 1 in the afternoon when she hears a knock on the door. They didn't schedule a band practice today, so it couldn't have been any of the band members, and Lizzie was home with MG watching a movie, so it couldn't be them. When she opens the door, her eyes widen and her mouth parts in surprise.

"H-hope? What are you doing here." Josie says once her initial shock wears off.

Hope doesn't answer her question. "Remember when I asked if you were doing anything over the weekend?" The auburn-haired girl nervously plays on the rings on her fingers.

"Uh huh." The brunette responds, still confused.

"Well, pack your bags. You did ask if we could hangout this weekend." Hope recalls. "We're going on a little getaway."

The memory suddenly pops up in Josie's mind, and she mentally scolds herself for forgetting. "Oh yeah, of course. Just give me like ten minutes." Hope nods, walking to the porch railing to wait for her.

Josie tries her best to calmly retreat back into her home, but starts to freak out once the front door is fully closed. She rushes to her room and pulls out a large duffel bag, frantically shoving clothes in and grabbing only the necessities. In the middle of her haze, Lizzie stands in her doorway, and knocks on the door to get the brunette's attention.

"Make sure to pack a swimsuit." Is all the blonde says once she has her twin's attention, before walking back downstairs towards the living room.

"You knew!?" Josie exclaims, but no reply comes from the retreating figure. She groans, before continuing to frantically pack.

The duffel bag is significantly heavier when she lifts it up and rushes out the door, hearing Lizzie yell out, "Have fun." Her tone sounds slightly suggestive, but Josie is in too much of a rush to care.

When she opens back up the front door, she sees Hope in the same spot as before, and Hope turns around to face her with a soft smile. "That was quick."

"Yeah, I mean it's only two days. I don't need to bring that much." Josie carelessly shrugs, as if she didn't spend the last ten minutes rushing to pack everything. Her room was surely a mess, but she'll worry about that when she gets home.

"Okay, let's get going." Hope twirls the keys on her finger, taking Josie's duffel bag and making her way to her car.

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