do you think we can move closer, baby?

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For almost two minutes now Lizzie had been pacing around the room. The nerve wracking silence from the blonde made everyone else in the room anxious.

"Okay, thank you." Lizzie simply replies after two minutes and then proceeds to end the call.

The sudden noise causes everyone to jump back.

"What was that all about?" Josie speaks up first, her curiosity crawling up her spine.

Lizzie looks between the three of them, before inhaling sharply. "Emergency meeting."

Josie glances between MG and Hope as a signal for help. Unfortunately, neither of them got the gesture since they're equally as confused. The blonde starts making her way out the door before she turns back around.

"Now." She deadpanned. It frightened the trio at the sudden tone change, and they couldn't tell if this was a good or bad thing. Since they had no clue what to expect, they prepared for whatever would come next.

While MG follows Lizzie into another room, Hope pulls Josie off to the side.

"Oh," The brunette lets out a surprised sound. "Hey." She smiles shyly while looking at the latter.

"Hi," Hope returns softly. She slid her hands down to grab Josie's, "So I was thinking..." She trailed off recollecting her thoughts while exhaling slowly.

"I think I'm ready to tell them," Hope says in a quick, rushed sentence, "About us."

Josie's playful face falters into a soft gaze. "Really?"

"Yes really." She answers. "I want to let everyone know you're mine." Teasingly, she poked Josie on the stomach.

Josie playfully rolled her eyes at how cheesy that sounded. "Yeah yeah, now are you going to kiss me or not?"

Hope instantly propped herself up straight. The brunette wrapped her arms around Hope's neck and leaned into a tender kiss.


"Hey Josie!" Landon waved his hand as he ran up to her looking excited. "I learned a new riff."

Josie's eyes widened. She loved seeing new things her friends learned no matter how small, or big. "Show show show."

"Not now bucket twins." Lizzie snarked. "I have something to announce."

"Bucket twins?" Josie muttered under her breath. She shook her head and stood next to Hope.

"So, here in Mystic Falls there is going to be a festival in a few weeks." Lizzie pressed her lips. "I got a call saying that,"

The blonde felt the need for this to be very climactic. Plus it was working because everyone was eager to know.

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