tell me its okay

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Hope wakes up with a sharp pain. Her head was pounding, the room feeling as if it were spinning. She could still feel the contents of alcohol in her system, and before she knew it she was rushing to the bathroom, emptying her stomach of all it's contents. She doesn't stop until she's dry heaving over the toilet, everything in her stomach completely gone. She uses all of her strength to push herself up, flushing the toilet and leaning against the sink.

She searches the cabinet frantically, and thankfully finds a bottle of Advil in one of them. She washes out her mouth of it's disgusting bile taste, before downing two of the tablets. It's not until she finishes taking the tablets that she looks at herself in the mirror. Her mascara is smeared, and her hair resembles a bird's nest. In all honesty, everything after she saw Josie and Penelope descend the stairs together was a blur. She can faintly remember the brunette taking her home, but that's about it. She silently curses to herself, hoping her drunk self didn't say anything embarrassing in front of Josie.

She hears a buzz from her phone, signaling a text from someone. Hope opens it, seeing a text from Lizzie in the band group chat.

saturn's rings (7 people)

Liz: Everyone's probably hungover, but I don't care. EMERGENCY MEETING IN AN HOUR!

Kale: Huh? Why?

Liz: Our first gig is tomorrow duh. We need as much practice as we can get. And if we don't make a good impression we'll never book another gig.

The next few texts are a string of complaints from the rest of the band members. But, as always. Lizzie Saltzman always gets what she wants, so eventually they all agree on meeting up in an hour.

Hope decides to spend the remainder of her time taking a shower, given her current state. Her aching muscles instantly relax under the warm water, and she sighs in content. Realizing she spent way too long in the shower, she decides to leave her damp hair as it is, letting it air dry.

Not really caring for appearances at the moment, she settles on jeans and an oversized rolling stones t-shirt. Now, she looked somewhat presentable.

She couldn't sit down to enjoy her breakfast, knowing she'd be late and have to deal with a pissed off Lizzie. She rushes out the door, passing her aunts in the kitchen, and wishing them a quick goodbye. As she closes the door, she can hear the two of them laughing, assumingly at her. Hope just knows that they're never going to stop teasing her about yesterday night, her coming home completely wasted.

When Hope knocks on the front door, Lizzie answers immediately and drags her in, pulling her into the living room.

"Um Lizzie, the garage is the other way." Hope says, looking confused.

All Lizzie does is roll her eyes. "I live here, dumbass. I know that."

"Then why are we here?" Hope looks as Lizzie as if she's grown two heads. Hope also pleases her bass guitar case so it leans against the wall.

"I saw you yesterday." Is all Lizzie says.

"Uhm, we were at the same party, of course you did." Hope continues to stare at the blonde, still confused and hungover.

"I mean," Lizzie starts, her tone slightly annoyed at the auburn-haired girl not understanding what she means. "I saw you get black out drunk after seeing Penelope and Josie together."

Hope freezes, trying her best to keep her composure calm. She raises an eyebrow, "And? People get drunk at parties all the time. It was just a coincidence that I happened to see them prior."

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