after all this still into you

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For a few seconds, the both of them stood frozen, just taking in the close presence of one another after being separated for so long. Sure, they saw each other at band practices and were physically close, but this was the first time they were actually close .

It seems as if they both break out of their trance at the same time, and Hope immediately turns around, trying to open the door to get back out.

The door doesn't budge.

The knob doesn't move at all even as Hope starts rattling it violently, until she eventually resorts to banging on the door.

"Hello!" She screams.

Josie stays planted in her current position, standing right in front of the bathroom stall that she had just gotten out of a mere few minutes ago.

Almost instantly, a voice can be heard from the other side of the door. "Mikaelson, I'm not letting you out until you and Josie fix things. And you can stop the screaming, no ones gonna hear you're on the other side of the school."

"Lizzie?" Josie speaks up for the first time since Hope entered.

She can practically imagine the blonde rolling her eyes.

"Yes Jo, who else?"

The brunette walks over to the door to hear her sister clearer. "How did you even lock us in?" She tries herself to twist the knob, but to no avail.

"Simple," She again imagines her twin shrugging her shoulders. "I stole the janitor's keys."

"You WHAT!" She takes a deep breath trying not to let her anger explode.

"I said what I said, now stop talking to me and talk to each other. Like I said, I'm not letting you out until you do."

Josie can hear the sound of footsteps slowly fading away, and she leans her head against the door, sighing deeply.

She can feel Hope's stare on her, but decides to ignore it as she walks over to the sink, turning on the faucet and pumping soap into her hands. She takes a risk and looks into the mirror above the sink, making eye contact with Hope through the mirror.

Josie immediately breaks it off, her eyes going back down towards her hands that were still under the cold water.

It's silent between the two, and Josie purposely takes forever walking over to the paper towel dispenser just to avoid Hope.

"H-how are you?" The auburnette breaks the awkward tension.

"Good." She replies nonchalantly, trying to appear normal.

"O-oh." Josie sneaks a glance at Hope, only to see the older girl looking down towards the floor. She looks up, and tries to give Josie her best smile, but she can read the latter easily and knows that it's forced. 'I'm happy for you."

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