*~♥~Chapter One~♥~* New Arrival

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I walked down the halls of my new school, in a boys school uniform and a baseball cap concealing my long and gorgeous hair. I was looking for a quiet place to just take in my surroundings, but everywhere I had turned, ended up being a lost cause, with everyone gossiping.

I kept walking until I finally found a section of the school that wasn’t as loud and packed.

‘Third music room… Hmm. Seems quiet enough… Maybe I can get some painting in before class…’ I thought to myself, gripping the handle, then turning it.

As I walked in.. Flower petals began attacking my face!

“What the-”

“Welcome!” There they stood. Seven of the most… Well five of the most hottest guys I had ever seen. One was too adorable to be cute, and one was a. Girl?!

“And what do we have here? A new student?” The tall blond spoke, as if his voice could cure cancer. “Ummm…” I trailed off. Then he went on a huge spiel about each member and their types. Finishing off with himself. “Or how about me? The prince type?” He asked, coming close to me and cupping my face. I was still silent. “Speechless now are we? Take your time choosing who you want to spend your time with.” He stated almost seductively. “Oh.. My… God… I didn’t know it was THAT type of school!” I exclaimed, freaked out. They all looked confused. “I can’t believe they let a bunch of guys start a brothel on SCHOOL GROUNDS!” My face was flushed, and I was flailing around, freaking out. “Brothel?” They questioned. (Brothel=prostitution house) “I can assure you we aren’t a brothel.” The ‘cool type’ guy came up to me and said, with his notebook, taking notes about something. “We just keep ladies company! We don’t do anything that vile!” The ‘prince type’ yelled.


 “Miyuki Sanoki. Class 1-a. Daughter of Raki Sanoki, and Tomaki Sanoki. Masters of martial arts and internal affairs. Basically owns the government and police forces, outside the Ootori’s of coarse.” I heard a voice say from behind me.

“Do I know you?” I questioned, a little creeped out.

“How rude of me. I am Kyouya Ootori. It’s a pleasure.” He smiled a fake smile, then went back to writing things in his notebook. “Wait a minute. Yuki-san?” I looked behind the loud tall blond and saw the boyish girl standing there with a look of disbelief. “Haruhi.. RUU-chan!” I yelled, tackeling her to the floor. “I haven’t seen you since my family moved toFrance!”

“Yeah it’s been years!”

“How have you been Ruu-chan?”

“And you’re still calling me that…” -_-’

“Of coarse I am! I’ve always called you that!”

“Um…” I heard the loud one mutter.


“Ahh. So you’re Haruhi’s friend from back in middle school?” The loud blonde I had now known as Tamaki questioned. I nodded. “Yes. It was strange seeing her dressed as a boy. Since she used to be such a girly girl.” I smiled. “Well I found no point in it once you left. And if I remember correctly, you were girlier than I was. Speaking of which, why are you in a boys uniform?” I laughed. “Touche’. Ahh I miss those days some times. I’m wearing this, simply because I hate the color yellow.” We exchanged a smile, then a small girly laugh. That’s when the guys went into a huddle type thing, giving us both a sweat drop.

Guy’s POV

“Haruhi used to be girly..?!” The twin, Kaoru exclaimed. “What does that mean exactly?” His twin Hikaru asked. “I’m not sure.” Tamaki went into thought quite seriously. “Maybe Haru-chan and Miyu-chan used to play dress up!” The smaller blonde, Mitsukuni Haninozuka smiled. All of the guys jumped back in shock, then once calmed down, had a stream of blush across their faces. “We should have her join the club lord!” Hikaru whispered excitedly. “Yeah! That way, if Miyuki is around, we’ll have a better chance of getting Haruhi and her to cosplay!” Kaoru added. “Tamaki. I’m not sure that’ll work-” Kyouya started, but he went unnoticed. “Miyuki-chan!” Tamaki yelled.



“Huh?” Me and Haruhi were sitting at a table, drinking tea and reminiscing. Haruhi looked annoyed as I just had a look of complete confusion written on my face. “SO CUTE!” Before I knew it, Tamaki had picked me up into a hug, and began spinning. “Tamaki-Senpai! Put her down!” He didn’t listen, as he continued to suffocate me. “Suoh-san… Please… Please put me down… I can’t breathe…!” I muttered politely. He immediately stopped. Then he smiled down at me. “No need to be so formal.” “But-” “When inRome, do as the Romans do!” He stated enthusiastically. “Um… Ok.. Tamaki-Senpai-” “CUTE!” This time, the twins came on either side of me and pinched my cheeks stretching them. “Owwie!” As soon as they pulled away, hunny-senpai ran up and grabbed my arm, swinging, and causing me to spin in circles. “Miyu-chan! Miyu-chan! Come eat cake with me!” I smiled, since he reminded me of my little cousin Minami. “Ok ok!” I giggled out.

We all got a long pretty well, considering we had just met.

“What can you do in the club..? Hmmm…” Tamaki thought. I couldn’t be a host, since lots of people knew I was a girl. “Hmm.. I have a proposition, that would benefit all of us.” Kyouya stated from behind the couch I sat on. “Eh?” Haruhi asked. “How about you be the clubs chef? It could help promote your families sweets company and restaurants…” He trailed off, writing and scribbling in his notebook. “That’s not a bad idea. Yuki-san was always a great cook.” Haruhi added on to no one in particular. “Plus, you could serve tea, so everyone isn’t afraid of you for what your father does for a living.” Kyouya droned on. I smiled, while hopping up. “You got yourself a cook!” I exclaimed happily, pointing my thumb to myself. “You start this afternoon.” “Alright.” I agreed. “Why don’t we start with you writing a list of things you’ll need to start out with. Then I’ll have them here by this afternoon.” He handed me a note pad. I sat down and began thinking, blocking out the rest of the world.


“That was extremely nice of you Kyouya-senpai.” Haruhi piped. “Well, I read that she loves to cook. And her mother and aunt just started up a sweets company. They own restaurants that aren’t as popular as they could be.” He stated in an as a matter of fact tone. “What’s in it for you?” Haruhi asked with an eyebrow raised. “Oh nothing. Do I always have to have a hidden motive Haruhi?” He asked, trying to sound innocent. “Just because we’ll be saving time without you having to leave your customers to make tea, or spending way less money on ordering sweets, doesn’t mean that I have a hidden motive.” She sighed. “Figures.” She muttered. “Wait. What did you mean by people being afraid of her? What does her father do exactly?” Asked one of the twins. “I thought her last name would have made it obvious.” Kyouya stated. No one but Haruhi caught on, so he continued. “Her father Is a Yakuza leader. One of the biggest in the world. If he wanted to, he could easily run my family out of business in a matter of minutes. Her father is known to be an angry, hateful, and ruthless man. Rumors have spread that she is the same, if not worse than her father.” Everyone gasped, looking to the girl they had recently met, writing on a note pad and smiling to herself. “No way…” both of the twins muttered in disbelief.


Hope you likes it so far! More up soon :) in like five minutes! Muahahaha! xD

Pic of Miyuki's dad on the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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