*~♥~Chapter Seven~♥~* Dinner Time, Pillow Fights And A Little Bit Of Hyperness!

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“Ok. What should we make?” I thought for a brief second before a light bulb appeared above my head. “How about stir fry stew pot?” I smiled. It was a dish that the three of us had improvised a long time ago one night when we couldn’t choose what we wanted to eat, so we combined two of our favorite dishes. Haruhi smiled. “Great Idea!” after chopping and cleaning vegetables, My mom left Haruhi and I to finish up.

Once we had most of everything simmering in two large crock pots, Haruhi went to boil noodles and make hard boiled eggs. I chopped up chicken, some fish, beef, and random herbs to use as some spices, I added them to the mix, then went to make sweets. I started cookies that were done quickly due to the recipie I used, and then I started on a cake. It was like the strawberry one I had made for Hunny in the host club, but this one had small swirls of white chocolate in it, with ice cream in the middle. Once that was done, I put the huge prepared cake in the freezer to stay cold, and left the cookies on a plate on the counter to cool off.

My mom returned to help set the table in the dining room where we normally ate, setting plates and chopsticks down, then bringing in the food and pitchers of water, punch, and juice. Everyone had a glass filled with water and an empty cup for whatever they wanted. Haruhi and I brought the crock pots in and placed them in the center so everyone could grab seconds if they wanted them. Mom served up the rice and made sure everything was set. It was a traditional Japanese table, where we would be seated on cushions on the floor instead of in chairs. I added the finishing touch to the table by bringing two baskets of dinner rolls out along with butter and a knife.


All the guys that were in the house sat amongst themselves, while the women left to start cooking.

After a short amount of time, they started up a conversation about the host club.

“I know all about your club.” Mr. Sanoki stated. “You do?” Tamaki stated. “Ah I get it now. Kyou-chan talked to you like he did with Haru-chan’s dad, right?” Hunny smiled. Mr. Sanoki smiled even bigger. “Nope. I heard it all from Miyuki.” The host members were a little surprised. “She… Talks about us?” The twins asked, while mrs. Sanoki made her way back into the room and entered into the current conversation while placing a small basket of crackers on the table. “All the time. I’ve never seen her so happy. Right Ujo?” “Meow!” “Just curious…What exactly does she say about us?” Hikaru asked somewhat skeptically. Mrs. Sanoki’s smile grew. “She talks about how much she loves being in your little club. She’s happy that she can help out, even if it’s just simply baking.” Once she finished her statement, Mr. Sanoki was happy to continue. “She tells me that you are all people who are worth knowing. How the Hitachiin twins are the best pranksters and her perverted partners in crime… Like two older brothers… How Kyouya is the best business man she’s ever met, but still a sweet person at heart. How Mitskuni is sweet, yet deadly when needed, just like her cousin Minami. How Takashi is strong, admirable, and has a smile that makes anyone want to get to know him better. And lastly, how Tamaki Suoh is the best friend you could ever ask for, as he was the one who was the first, other than Haruhi, who made her feel accepted, and just like everyone else.” No one said anything, as they were absorbing everything they had just been told.

Mrs Sanoki left to help set up, then a few minutes later, Miyuki entered the room. “Dinner’s done guys!” She smiled, leading everyone to the dinning room.


I sat at the table with Haruhi on my left and my mother on my right. My father was next to my mother at the head of the table, then there was Tamaki, Hunny, Takashi, then Kyouya. Hikaru and Kaoru. Were on the other side of Haruhi.

“This is really good!” The twins yelled in unison. “Who knew something so strange could be so delicious!” Tamaki chimed in. My mother, Haruhi and I all exchanged looks and began laughing. “I remember when we first made this dish.” Haruhi started. I nodded. “Yeah we were fighting over what to make. Mom just laughed at us.” “Remember our logic back then?” “Yeah. You were so cute. Saying ‘there has to be a fair way to settle this… My lawyer instincts depend on it!’” I imitated a younger Haruhi. She blushed, but retorted. “What about you, huh? ‘The food Gods would be angry to see us fighting… And the lord of friendship would be mad too.’” She imitated a younger me. I scoffed playfully. “I didn’t sound like that!” I was red with embarrassment. “Do you remember how that conflict got resolved?” My mom asked. We both nodded. “I remember… Yuki-Chan suggested we make both.” “Haruhi was worried that it wouldn’t taste good.” “Yeah. ‘just trow it all in there, it should be fine!’ then, surprisingly, we didn’t burn the house down.” I laughed at her recollection. “Well, I did vow on my sugar cookies… That’s when you know a girl means business.” We all laughed, causing the guys to go into fits of their… Them-ness. “AWWWWW!! MY DAUGHTERS ARE SOOOOOO CUTE!!!! THEY LOVE DOING GIRLY THINGS EVEN THOUGH THEY ACT LIKE TOMBOYS ALL THE TIME!! XD” “*SIGH* Tamaki-senpai… You sound really dumb right now.” Haruhi didn’t even bother to look at him. There was a crash in his little world and he spazzed out. “MOMMA! HOW DID WE RAISE SUCH A CHILD?!” Kyouya pushed up his glasses, holding back a laugh. “You kind of ruined their moment there Tamaki… So this whole situation is your fault.” GASP “OMIGOD I’M SOOOOO SORRRRRYYY HARUHI!! MIYUKI!!! FORGIVE YOUR PAPA!!!” He yelled. Before she could rain on his parade again, my father erupted into laughter, along with my mother, then we all shared a laugh. “What a strange group.” My father stated in between breathes.

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