Arina's Accusation

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Chapter 2

"Wow this is your home!" Arina ran all over Lucy's apartment. Lucy had brought her to her place after the incident at the guild. When Arina said she was Natsu's sister, everyone in the guild went into an uproar. They kept asking questions on how this could be, or that it was impossible. Natsu was to dumbfounded to say anything and stood there like an idiot. Luckily, Lucy pulled Arina out of there before she'd say something they all would regret. "This place is way nicer than the price says."


"Wow, you have a bathtub, too!"

"Arina," Lucy was becoming irritated.

"I can't believe it. I'm so jealous Lucy-San!"

"Arina!!" Arina turned around to look at Lucy. She could see the veins popping out of her head, but Lucy was taking deep breaths to calm herself. "Exactly, why are you here?" Arina looked at the ground. Nobody ever cared who she was, or where she came from. She had no idea how to respond to the question.

"I came because...... I wanted to meet him," Lucy figured she meant Natsu. If Natsu was her older brother, then how did Arina know about him.

"Oi, Lucy are you in there," Gray entered the room without an answer. Arina's smile dropped when she saw him. The similarity between her and Natsu were more than their looks. "Natsu and Happy are downstairs. They want to see you," Lucy nodded at the ice wizard and left the room leaving Arina and Gray alone.

"So you're the pyro's sister," Arina looked at Gray and nodded. She walked over to an arm chair and sat down. 'Talk about cheerful,' Gray thought. He didn't think he ever did anything to offend her. "How weird considering he has always told us he was raised by a dragon," Arina looked over at Gray.

"He was," Gray blinked at her remark.

"Then how do you know, he is your brother?"

"They told me about him."

"Who's they?"

"Our parents," Gray leaned back on the wall. He found Arina too serious, and she was treating him like a criminal.

"Were you raised by your pare-"

"No!" Arina was back on her feet. "I was adopted after they abandoned us. They were to stupid to go look for themselves! I mean, who is to stupid to not look for their own children?" tears were running down Arina's eyes.

Gray walked over and laid his hand on her shoulder. He didn't know much about the situation, but he could tell that it affected Arina.

Arina didn't even try to shake off Gray's hand. She just stood there crying about her supposed parents. Arina hadn't seen a caring person since-

"Do you mind telling me why you resent me?" Arina looked at Gray. His face was serious unlike the pictures she'd seen.

"The magazine," Arina's voice sounded more like a squeak, "In the magazine you acted like you were the toughest person ever, and I thought that you had to be lying. I've always hated liars," Arina looked down at the floor. She felt embarrassed for making such an accusation.

She was about to pull away when Gray pulled her into his body. Arina wanted to struggle free, but she didn't want to move. Gray wrapped his arms around her back and hugged her. Arina couldn't help but blush. She wrapped her hands on his back and let the moment last. All the both of them wanted was to stay like that.


Natsu was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed as Lucy entered the room. He could tell she was frustrated by something, and he had a wild guess of what. Happy flew in circles around the room humming some strange song.

"What is it Natsu?" Lucy sat on the couch next to him. Natsu and her had been friends for a while now, and she would tend to worry about him.

"Do you really think that she is my sister?" Lucy looked up at flying cat thinking about her answer.

"She does have a striking resemblance, and you guys both act about the same. It is indeed possible you guys are related," Natsu looked at Lucy. He had feared that answer and was prepared for it.

"The thing is, I don't remember having a family. The first thing I can recall was waking up in the woods with Igneel next to me. Even if she is my sister I don't know-"

"Then, get to know her," Lucy stood back up and held out her hand. "If she is your sister, then take the time to get to know her. We could invite her to go on a job with us," Natsu thought

for a moment. He was curious about this sister in question and wanted to know about there parents.

Natsu took Lucy's hand and stood up. Happy had stopped his humming and was hovering over them. The two friends walled back to Lucy's room only to be greated by Gray and Arina in deep hug.

"Oi, what are you two up to," The two wizards looked up to see an angry Natsu and an awestruck Lucy. They immediately broke away from each other to embarrassed to say something. Natsu walked up to Arina. He put his hand on her hand and ruffled her hair slightly.

"You are my younger sister, right," Arina looked at Natsu. "So that means I need to protect you from perverts, like Gray."

"Oi!" Arina couldn't help but smile. She had countless number of times she imagined meeting Natsu. None of them were like this.

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