Blue Fire

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Chapter 3

Arina patted Natsu's back as half of him was outside the carriage's window. He kept moaning and mumbling, but Arina didn't hear what he was saying. Lucy and Erza were sitting next to each other and were talking about some incidents they had encountered on previous jobs. Gray was on the other side of Arina with his shirt off.

Lucy had explained to Arina about Natsu's motion sickness, but she didn't know it was this bad. In truth, she felt sick herself but managed to keep herself together.

"Hey, Arina," Arina looked over at Gray. "What was this job you picked?"

"We have to stop these robbers."

"That's stupid," Erza stopped her conversation with Lucy and glared at Gray.

"It may be stupid, Gray, but it is a perfect job for Arina to start with," Arina simply sighed. She agreed with Gray, it was stupid. The only reason she picked it was because Erza "helped" Arina pick it out. Man that woman was scary.

"Don't these guys rob people on the road?" Lucy asked looking around the small carriage. Arina nodded. She knew where Lucy was going with this. If they stay on the road long enough, then they were bound to find their men.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped. "Oi, driver, what's the hold up?" Gray shouted. Erza opened the door and got out. She was followed by Lucy, Gray, and Arina. Natsu stayed inside still out of it.

The four wizards were greeted by a missing driver and a log in the road. Erza understood immediately and prepped herself. Arina was barely paying attention when something hit her in the shoulder.

It hit her so hard that she fell instantly. Three men came out of the shadows the trees were making. The youngest one was looking at Arina sneering.

"It's better if you stay down. I can hit you with something a lot worse than a rock," he had pale skin and golden blond hair. His one friend turned to him.

"Hey Taji, did you really only use a rock. That is just weak. You are always stating that you are better than us just because you have magic, and we were expecting a bit more, right Kibou," this man was a tiny bit taller than Taji. His skin wasn't as pale and he had brown hair.

"That is right, Morio. Listen Taji, you come and take over the role of our leader then you need stronger attacks," Kibou was tan with black hair.

"Well sorry if I was trying to spare you. Did you not consider the fact I know who that girl, and it may happen that He wants her."

"What makes her so special," Morio grunted and crossed his arms.

"Are you stupid? She's-" Taji was cut off when Natsu punched him in the face.

"So you're the one that hurt my sister," Taji's mouth was bleeding, and he was full of anger.

"Don't underestimate me," Taji reached into a bag on his back and pulled out a handful of daggers. One by one the daggers started to float in midair with the blades pointed at Natsu. They started darting at him at amazing speeds, but Natsu was able to dodge them. Taji laughed at Natsu struggling to avoid the daggers. "Are you having fun? My levitate magic is the best you can find."

"Um, Taji, a little help over here," Taji turned his head to where Morio and Kibou were. Erza had requipped into one of her armors and held a sword to Morio's neck. Gray had Kibou's feet frozen to the ground. Lucy was by Arina's side trying to help as much as she could, but she was no Wendy.

"Very well," Taji held out his hamd and magic flowed from his fingers and wrapped itself like a bubble around Kibou and Morio.

Morio looked at Erza with a grin on his face. The scarlet haired warrior released the sword from his neck to swing at him. As the sword came down, Morio split into two different people causing the sword to hit the ground. Erza was now furiously swinging her sword with the two Morios splitting up and fusing back together avoiding the blows.

Gray had his own problems when Kibou had focused some sunlight on the ice. Once he was free, Kibou was shining light in Gray's eyes and burning small holes in his skin.

As Lucy watched the three battles, she didn't notice Arina leaving her state of shock.

"That really hurt," Everyone stopped and looked at the now standing Arina. She was standing like nothing happened brushing herself off. She picked the rock out of her shoulder like peeling a sticker with barely a mark on her skin. Taji's face went even paler(if that was possible.)

"Kibou, Morio get out of here quick!" Taji panicked. Unfortunately, his partners weren't quick thinkers. They thought they had a chance against Arina.

"I said that hurt!" Arina started filling with anger, but that wasn't it. Blue flames danced around her fist. The three robbers didn't have a chance to escape. Before they knew it, Arina was in front of them with her blue fire. "Blue flame dragon's wings!" Arina shouted as the blue fire enveloped her targets.

The three men went running trying to place themselves as far from Arina as they could. Arina turned around to see the shocked faces on her friends. She put on an innocent smile and showed her hands.


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