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Chapter 7

Arina kept walking through the busy town of Magnolia. She was carrying bags of groceries Lucy asked her to get while she was out. The pink haired girl really just wanted to get a breath of fresh air.

A lot has happened to her over her time in Fairytail. She had met her brother, been embarrassed of jumping to conclusions, got attacked while on a job, had one of her secrets revealed, relived the story of meeting her birth parents, had some of her past friends show up out of nowhere, and the most recent and embarrassing of all she got stuck in a tree only to fall right on top of Gray. Arina blushed slightly at the memory.

She was lost in her thoughts, so she didn't notice the person following her. The stalker kept their distance but stayed in view. They continued watching right until their foot caught on a rock and-

Arina POV

I thought I heard something fall behind, so, naturally, I looked over to see who it was. I turned my head to see a light brown hair guy lying face down on the ground.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" I dropped the bags and crouched down to help him.

"Mf ompf mpf," the guy mumbled I helped lifting him up. His face was covered in scratches from the fall, and his face was slightly pink. He sat and tried not to look at me.

"Thanks," he said. I know I should've just grabbed the groceries and left, but something made me want to stay. We sat there for awhile in silence.

He finally broke the ice by saying, "My name's Tako, by the way. I've just moved back to Magnolia," he stopped. I was about to talk when he interrupted, "I already know who you are. Arina Dragneel, sister of Natsu Dragneel, the blue fire dragon slayer, and a member of Fairytail." I couldn't help but feel shocked.

"How do you know all that?" Tako went quiet again. He looked at the ground guiltily then looked back at me.

"I....I've been following you.........I'm sorry," he said. He looked back at the ground. Most people would be angry. They would probably start yelling then walked away. I, however, am not one of those people.

"So why do you keep moping?" Tako looked up at me, surprised. "I would have been happier if you would have actually talked to me, but I don't hold anything against you," I stood back and kept talking, "Next time, you want to get to know me, go ahead and talk to me. I'd actually like to get to know you, too." Tako's face turned a little bit pinker, and I couldn't help but smile.

Normal POV

-at night still in Magnolia-

"Fairy where you going~" Lexy was singing as she skipped through town. Her and Abbie just left the guild and were heading home.

"What are you singing?" Abbie was walking beside her. She had a smile on her face from a good day in the guild.

"A song I heard some people singing," the girl kept walkig with the sound of Lexy's off piych singing. A normal person would think nothing was wrong with them.

"Well, well, you two seem to be enjoying yourselves," a voice called from the rooftops. The wizard duo stopped paralyzed. They knew that voice.

"Show yourself.... Taji!" Abbie shouted. Soon enough, Taji had jumped from the rooftops and standing in front of the girls.

He looked different than the time he attacked Natsu and them with Morio and Kibou. His pale skin appeared to be shining under the moonlight. His blonde hair had been cut and spiked, and there was a fresh scar on his face he got from Arina. He wore a black shirt with a hole in the back revealing a red sun. His infamous bag of daggers was slung across his back.

"You're taking to much time. Red Nova is starting to grow impatient."

"Well they can wait. It is going to have to take awhile," Lexy said.

Taji smirked, "I'm afraid there is no more waiting. The master has decided he will deal with the rest," Abbie and Lexy paled. Red Nova's master was no one to joke about. Abbie managed to reply to Taji's statement.

"He can come if he wants, but Fairytail is one guild you don't want to underestimate. I'm telling you as one of Red Nova's founders," Taji dropped his smile and turned to leave. He looked over shoulder before leaving.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," with that, he was gone. Only, Abbie and Lexy were standing in the darkness. Lexy looked over at her friend.

The founding of Red Nova, it was a moment their lives changed. It was the day Abbie, Lexy, and Red Nova's master founded the new dark guild, and the day they turned away from their past.

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