Characters Profiles

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Alright so the whole story behind this is because of my previous failed attempts of sharing these pictures to all of you. I had some trouble making a slideshow and yada yada, so I just gave up and made a collage. SO for once here are there pictures for REAL.

Arina Dragneel (top center picture)- Age: 18  Hair color: Pink   Eye Color: Dark Purple  Magic: Blue Fire DragonSlayer

Arina's memories go as far as being found by Infernia. The Dragon taught her Dragon Slaying Magic and raised Arina like a real daughter. Arina woke up one day discovering that Infernia had gone missing. Devestated, Arina set off to find her. Along the way she had met Adomas. The boy tagged along but never mentioned anything about his past. Once Abbie and Lexy had joined, Arina noticed Adomas contiuesly flirting with her. She evetually gave in, and the two were together for a while. Then one day, Arina discovered something and had to leave the group behind. While visiting a town, she discovered her real parents. While there she learned of her being the sister to Natsu from Fairy Tail. Her happy reunion was ended when Arina discovered their parents barely tried looking for her and her brother. She set off on her own once again finally joining Fairy Tail 


Infernia (bottom center picture)- Age: Unknown   Hair Color: Dark Blue and Purple Scales   Eye color: Midnight Blue 

Infernia was known to have found a little Arina asleep in the woods. The Dragon raised her and taught her Dragon Slaying Magic. Infernia then dissapeared one day. The reason behind her disappearance is unknown.


Abby Klinge (top left picture)- Age: 18   Hair Color: Brown   Eye Color: Hazel   Magic: Requip ( mainly scythes and halbards) 

Abbie grew up fending for herself in her village. Her family had abonded her in the woods when she was only 4. She had managed to make her way back to the village, but her home was empty. After that she started earning everything for herself. She always managed to get stuck in the middle of some fight. She learned quickly and earned a reputation. She met Lexy when the blonde attempted to steal from a fruit vender's stand. The man caught her by her shirt and was holding her in the air. Abbie reluctantly paid for the fruit Lexy tried to steal. The man put her down and went back to his bussiness. The two had become close friends after that. A few years later, the girls had met Adomas  and Arina. They joined the two until Arina had left. Abbie helped start Red Nova with Adomas and Lexy. She didn't like the idea at first but went along. Taji showed up one day and joined. He would continue to tease Abbie almost every day. Abbie had gotten use to it and soon made it a relief to hear one of his sarcastic comments.


Lexy Shirokuma (top right picture)- Age: 17   Hair Color: Blonde   Eye Color: Reddish Brown  Magic: Ice Make

Lexy was orphaned at a very young age. A local orphanage had taken her in, but Lexy didn't really like it there. She left one night and headed for a nearby town. At every place she would go to, she would feead herself by stealing. One day, she arrived at one village really hungry. A nearby fruit stand had caught her eye. She reached up to grab at least one apple. That was when the vender grabbed her. She thought she was done for when Abbie showed up and paid for the apple. Lexy was grateful and ended up staying in the village with Abbie. Eventually, Arina and Adomas showed up and the girls tagged along with them. Once Arina left, Lexy was heartbroken but was thankful she was still with Abbie. Lexy volunteered to help Adomas create Red Nova. She hoped that it would become with people for her to be close to.


Adomas Aerito (center left picture)- Age: 19  Hair Color: Purple     Eye Color: Light Purple  Magic: Levitate 

Adomas refused to ever mention where he was from. He joined up with Arina. He was attracted to her from the beggining but started showing it when he was older. Once he finally was with Arina, he was extacted. His happiness was short lived when Arina left. He refused to believe she had just left and was determined to bring her back. His determination led him into creating Red Nova with Abbie and Lexy. After Taji had joined, Adomas had asked him to teach him Levitate Magic. Taji agreed and taught him. Adomas learned quickly and later made himself the guild master.


Taji (bottom left picture)- Age: 18   Hair Color: Blond   Eye Color: Dark Brown  Magic: Levitate 

Taji has been a mystery to everyone even in Red Nova. He would reframe from talking about anything before joining. He had taught Adomas on how to use Levitate Magic and didn't protest when Adomas appointeed himself as master. He would usually be seen teasing or talking to Abbie whenever he was in the guild. He tends to leave every once and a while. People would see him hanging around Morio and Kibou. The two were known for being a joke. That was before Taji was with them. Taji had learned how to levitate his own magic and surround it around the two. He stopped being seen with them after his first accounter with Fairy Tail.


Thorn (bottom right picture)- Age: 11   Hair Color: Orange  Eye Color: Light Blue  Magic: Barrier 

Thorn had joined Red Nova in hopes of escaping his paranoia. Unfortunetly, it was unsuccesful. He is convinced that the world is falling a part around him. He follows Taji around when he lets him. At any other time, Lexy would spend almost whole days with him. Thorn has grown very found of her and refuses to let anyone hurt her. So he insists in keeping an invisible barrier around her when she is withen distance.


Tako Waln (center right picture)- Age: 17  Hair Color: Brown   Eye Color: Grey   Magic: Secretly uses Air Magic

Tako seemed to have known Arina for a brief moment in the past. After that, he always remembered her. He ended up going to Era. Not many people there know what the reason of him being there, but they keep talking on seeing him around The Magic Council; however, they aren't for sure. Tako had left once receiving word of Arina being in Fairy Tail. He stays close behind her hoping for her to turn around and talk to him.

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