A Field with Flowers

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Chapter 8

"Morning Mira!!!!" Arina called out across the guild. Tako followed silently behind her. Mira smiled at the pink haired girl.

"Good morning Arina. Who's that behind you?"

"Oh yeah," Arina said as she reached behind her and pulled Tako forward. "This is Tako, we were wondering if there is anyway he could help out around here?"

Mira smiled, "Sure, I'll just go ask the master. Just follow me, Tako." Tako followed Mira upstairs. He kept looking back at Arina but kept walk.

Arina turned on her heel and went over to where Erza, Lucy, Lexy, and Abbie were sitting. She sat down next to Erza and listened to Lucy talking about Celestial Magic. When she was done, Erza turned to Arina.

"So Arina, who was that you brought in?" All the girls eyes were on Arina.

"You mean Tako, I just found him following me around the other day."

"So you invited him to join the guild?" Lucy asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," the girl mages looked at each other then back at Arina. Erza almost opened her mouth when a fireball hit her in the face. The girls almost jumped up to see if she was alright, but Erza just brushed away the scratches. What could you expect from the famous Titania?

Everyone in the guild turned their attention to another fight between Gray and Natsu. They were at each others throats when Erza was already in the middle of the two. She stepped forward to stop them when her foot slipped on some spilt beer. Natsu made the mistake of laughing, and soon there was another riot in the guild.

Arina sighed and snuck out quietly. Nobody realized her leaving. Well almost nobody. One ice mage noticed.

Gray managed to make it out of the guild without anyone noticing. He made his way to the back of the building. He looked around but didn't see the blue fire dragon slayer. He only saw a path leading up a hill.

Gray followed the path only to come across an open hillside field. It had an amazing view of the entire town. The grass was a deep green with some scattered flowers. A large oak tree shaded a tired Arina.

She was laying in the grass and staring at the sky. Her mind trailing off to memories of traveling. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts she didn't see Gray lay down next to her.

"It sure is nice out," Gray said. Arina turned her head to look at Gray. She then positioned her head the way it was.

"Yeah, I guess it is," she sighed. Gray glanced over at her. Her pink hair was in its usual style with some parts draping around her face.

"Can I ask you something?" Arina looked over at Gray. "Did you really come to Fairytail just to see Natsu?" Arina stayed quiet for a moment thinking.

"......no, not really. When I started traveling, Fairytail was still pretty big name guild. I would hear people talking about it everywhere I went. I started thinking how cool it was that one guild could do so much. Then when the news about people disappearing on Tenroujima Island, Fairytail kinda just drop in popularity. It went from no. 1 to last in one moment. I thought if I could come join I could help out in anyway I could." Arina finished. Gray still watched her as she stared back at the sky. The two stayed like that for a while until Natsu found them and forced them back.

A little while later~

Arina made her way through town back to Lucy's. It was still the afternoon, but she needed a break from the craziness of the guild. She didn't get to far when someone said.

"Arina? Arina is that you?" Arina turned her head to face the voice. A man about her age with shoulder length purple hair was staring right at her. Arina's mouth opened wide in surprise.


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