Chapter Twenty-One

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The phone rang for what seemed to be years. I was anxious by the seventh ring and no answer. He either doesn't have his phone right now or he's just ignoring me. I'm hoping he isn't irritated as we speak; Who knows what I'd do then.

"Hey this is Kellin, I can't talk right now, but if you leave me a message I'll call you back." I heard the voice mail chime in. My hope dropped immediately as I decided to leave a small message.

"Hey Kells, it's Vic. I really need to talk to you tonight. Call me back please." I whispered into the phone before hanging up. Mike watched me from the couch.

"No luck?" He questioned which I nodded to.

"Who know's if he's just ignoring me or something else is going on." I spoke up, sitting down beside him.

"Wanna play a game to get your mind off of things?"

"No, I don't really like video games. I'm going to go for a walk." I mumbled before grabbing my jacket and slipping it on.

"Have fun." Mike said before grabbing a controller resting on the coffee table in front of us. I nodded in response before hurrying out the front door and down the sidewalk. One thing I was loving about California right now is that it's warm out and I don't have to worry about coats very often. I watched an older lady walk her dog across the street to a local dog park, and I also took notice to a family that hurried into an ice cream parlor. A smile spread on my lips. I always love seeing new people out and about, something about it just makes me want to smile. Smiling is what I honestly need to do right now. Part of me was still holding on to the hope of Kellin calling me any moment, but another part of me was saying to just calm down. What will happen will happen; I have no control over what comes next.

I didn't leave the town considering it's pretty vast. Instead I made my way around the town itself until I ended up back at Mike and Tony's. A good two hours had passed, so I decided I needed to stop thinking then and there, before I got worked up over something I really shouldn't.  

I can't help being anxious though, it's just in my nature. It's like those times when someones somewhere else and your worried because you have no clue where they are. That's how I feel right now.

I sat and sat until I felt incapable of sitting anymore, so I stood... And paced.

"Dude, chill out he'll call." Mike reassured me. I shook my head.

"What if he doesn't? What if I really upset him?"

"Kellin seems to deal with a lot of your guys' bullshit; You hiding something from him for a day isn't going to make him hate you. Call again." Mike threw back, and I could tell he didn't want to hear or see anymore about it, so I went to my room and pulled out my phone. I dialed Kellin's number, holding the phone to my ear.

One...two... three; No answer. Four...five...six; No answer. 

"Hey this is Kellin, I can't talk right now, but if you leave me a message I'll call you back."

With a frown I hung up. What's happening? Now I'm really worried.


"Hey Kells, it's Vic. I really need to talk to you tonight. Call me back please." I listened to his voice mail while biting on my lip. I couldn't talk to him right now. I want to, but I just can't. I don't know how I feel about him right now. 

The day went on as I tried to focus in on anything but Vic's voice mail. He sounded pretty urgent. We went into the evening before my phone buzzed again. I clenched my eyes shut before pressing the ignore button. 

Justin and I hung out the entire day, and if he knew what I was doing right now he'd probably murder me. I know him and Vic didn't have a very good start, but he cares enough about me to care about Vic too. If he knew I was ignoring his calls, Justin would be furious. That was just my luck, to say how mad Justin would be and then leave my phone on the table unattended. 

"Hello?" I heard from downstairs, and immediately panic rose in me. I jumped off of my bed hurriedly before opening my door slightly. "Yeah... he hasn't? Well he's been here. Interesting." Just spoke into the phone. I'm dead. "One second." Was the final thing Justin said before I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I went back into my room and waited for the door to slam open, which it did.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Justin seethed. "Vic's practically in tears because he's been so worried about you. He's still on the phone; Go talk to him." He ordered, so I shook my head.

"No." I responded defiantly. "He's lying to me and I don't want to hear his voice right now." I explained.

"Oh get real, he's probably going to explain." I shook my head again. "Stop being so immature. Work things out for fucks sake, I'm tired of having you mope around here." Justin seethed before exiting the room. I sat in the silence. Tears formed in my eyes. I hate feeling this way.

With a sigh I crawled off of the bed before trudging down the stairs to the phone sitting beside the couch. Vic was still on hold. I picked up the phone, pressing it to my ear. It was silent on the other end, and I could've sworn he hung up, but then I heard it. His breathing, it was awfully quiet and shallow, but I could hear him.

"Hi." I said quietly, taking a seat on the couch. Justin was no where to be seen.

"Kellin? Oh my god you scared the living shit out of me." Vic whispered.

"I don't want to talk right now Vic..." I mumbled. Silence filled the other end.

"Kellin where are you going tonight?" Vic questioned, turning the subject around.

"Nowhere." I answered, and no matter how bad I wanted to ask why he wanted to know, I couldn't.

"Go somewhere, and tell me where." He said firmly.

"No; I don't want to go out." I defended.

"Please Kellin, please go somewhere with Justin or a friend and tell me where."

"Why does it matter?" I shouted unexpectedly, hushing myself right after. "Why do you care?"

"I just need to know where you're going to go." I sighed heavily.

"...Fine, I'll go somewhere." I mumbled, looking over at the clock. "I'm going with Justin to the AMC movie theater downtown. Goodbye." I spoke quickly.

"Wait why-" Vic began, but I had hung up by then. I looked around the room one last time before going into Justin's room and knocking on the door, catching his attention.

"Did you talk?" He asked curiously, seeming to have cooled off.

"C'mon, we're going to the movies." I mumbled before exiting his room. 

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