Chapter Seventeen

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I took on two half time jobs to save up for a ticket to buy for Vic. The earliest flight they have to our town directly is in a couple of weeks. I don't know if  can make the money by then, but I'm going to try my hardest.

I'm working as a cashier at the local guitar store, and I'm also working for some cash at the grocery store. I felt like I was shallow taking jobs like these, but I was desperate to continue to stay with Vic. If that means i have to work in shitty locations, so be it. 


My mind was cluttered with the conversation I had with Kellin, even though it wasn't much of a talk. It was more of a reassuring message to one another, letting each other know we still love each other, and miss each other. But not for long.

The past month I've been booking even more appointments; Way more than normal. I'm dedicating a lot of my time to work, that way I can save up and fly out to California to be with Kellin. There's not a reason for me to stay here anymore. There's no one for me to hang out with, just a couple of guys I've befriended. They wouldn't miss me though, it's not like my friendship was a must have anyways. I'm cared for until I hit a certain extent, then that's about it. My parents don't really care either. After I left the house we never did really stay in touch. Neither did Mike and I until I saw him again. Rarely do we talk though.

It makes perfect sense for me to move to California because a lot of my relatives are from out there. I moved far away to get away, but sometimes I question why I picked Michigan out of all of the other 49 states. It's been great here I guess, I wouldn't have met Kellin if I hadn't been here in the right time.

Who knows if that's good or bad. Kellin's a hassle, but not in a bad way. I love him, he's always worth the time. 

I let out an exasperated sigh before opening my envelope, pulling out all the money inside. Slowly, I counted how much I had. A smile crept onto my lips. Eight hundred, I had eight hundred dollars.

I can go. I can buy a ticket, and pack up and leave. I can quit my lease and leave. Not tonight of course, it's seven.

I hurried to the computer, searching for the closest flight out of here. There was one scheduled to fly out to California in three days. I smiled to myself by accident. I couldn't contain my happiness. Immediately, I pulled out my phone and dialed Kellin's phone number, holding the phone to my ear. A few rings in, I frowned before hanging up. Should I surprise him? Sure I could spoil it all right now, but I think a little wait is nice.

Hopefully it doesn't notify him that I called, because he'll call back if it does. Who knows what I'd say then. Lying is something I'd prefer not to do, whether it's for the better or not. My eyes gazed upon my belongings. How the hell can I clean this place out in three days? Easy, I start now. I'll start by boxing up some of my small items. Tomorrow I'll call the rental place and tell them I'm not renewing my lease. Then, I'll call a furniture company so my items can be shipped. Who knows where I'm going to live, but I'll find something. California's huge, something will turn up eventually.

Here goes nothing.

--- -

The next day ran a little smoother. I managed to box up quite a few things with the help of a couple friends I met out and about. We got most of my personal items categorized while the furniture gets to stay here. It all came with the house.

The next step was when I called my rental service. They were all very... enthusiastic. In fact I felt as if they were happy I was getting out of the house, or the state in general. It was like a big fuck you in my face. 

I called the furniture company who billed me around one hundred dollars to ship my boxes out to California. At the rate I'm going, I'll be able to take around four hundred dollars to California.

Everyone got tired mid day, so I said we could quit for today before I drove down to the bank where I informed them I was moving and they needed to close down my account here in Michigan. I then started to think about my car. What am I going to do with this? I really don't want to pay for it be taken out to California, but I don't want to leave it here as well. With a frustrated sigh, I called the tow company to get some info on what I had to do. Fortunately they were a little bit helpful and told me it wasn't very expensive. Inevitably, I said I'd drop my car off in a few days and get a ride to the airport. 

I arrived home around seven. All of my appointments I moved back, which means I have a good eight people coming in tonight. Surprising how tolerate they are, isn't it? "Sorry I'm getting ready to move to California in two days and I need you to come in around ten." That's, in lack of better words, what I've been asking clients to do.

Tomorrow I plan to take down my business flyers and inform clients my services will be no longer available. Hopefully there's somewhere they can transfer, because I really do care about them. It's hard to disband my entire life basically, especially in three days. I'm rushed, I'm stressed, but in the end it's going to be worth it.

I know it will be, why wouldn't it be? It'll be a fresh start. That's what I need, regardless of whatever everyone else says.

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