Chapter Two

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        -3 days later-

The familiar vigorous feelings of ecstasy coursed through me as I ran off the Minnesota stage. This was the first time I'd ever played in my home state, so it kind of held some sentimental value.

The crowd was amazing as most were, and I even recognized some people. I never saw Jenna though. I miss her. She never really did keep in touch with me after I skipped town. It bums me out every time.

But on the good and bad side, I now get to go face my mother. Honestly, I'm unsure of what's going to happen. Is she going to hate me or forgive me? No, should I forgive her? What I did was self defense of my beliefs. She just never accepted.

There are two things that have broke my heart, it was her and Vic. But maybe it's time to forgive and forget. With her that is.

The car ride seemed to take forever. Oli decided to drive because I was dragging. You always feel good right after you perform, but then later on you're lazy and tired. It's the usual routine I guess you could say.

"How much longer?" I whined, resting my head on the window.

"Oh quit complaining." Oli said through his thick british accent I love so much. "About a half hour." I smiled. We were so close.

This will be the first time I've been to my hometown in a long, long time. My body filled with anxienty as the half an hour passed by and I saw the all too familiar gleaming lights of a place I like to call home.

I had some good memories here. I had some bad ones too. But who doesn't?

"Right there." I said, pointing out the window to a small house on the corner. I knew it all too well.

Oli pulled into the driveway before putting the car into park. I stepped out and stretched, feeling slightly better by the minute. The light inside the house illuminated through the windows. Good, she was still up.

Oli and I grabbed our bags from the trunk and slow but surely, we made it up the small staircase. I knocked on the wooden door a few times, then I took a step back.

"You'll be fine." Oli reassured, squeezing my shoulder.

"Thanks." I replied before I heard the door unlatching. There stood none other than my mother.

The first expression she had was confusion, then it turned into astonishment. In the end, she smiled.

"Kellin? What are y-you doing here?" She asked, stepping outside. 

"We had a show around here tonight, so I thought I'd stop by..." I mumbled, unsure of what to say.

"Are you still mad? We understand if you are." She asked me calmly. No longer did her eyes hold bitterness against me.

"I'm not mad, if I was I wouldn't be here." I defended.

"True." She said before latching onto the door knob and turning it slowly. "Come inside." She offered, opening the door wide. Oli smiled at her before stepping inside, me following shortly thereafter.

The smell of scented candles hit my nostrils immediately. I reminisced on going to the store with my mom when I was little. She always wanted new candles.

The TV was on, and I saw my father sitting there watching it. His head turned, and astonishment was the only expression I could read on his face.

"Kellin?" He asked, getting up hurriedly. Before I knew it, he was standing before me. I nodded slowly. My dad let out an exasperated sigh. "Kellin." He repeated, engulfing me in his arms.

Immediately, I patted his back, holding back tears. Never did I dream I'd get to do this again. When he pulled away, sorriness in those big eyes of his.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered hoarsely, shaking his head profusely. "I shouldn't have blocked you out. I...We've missed you so much." He told me quickly, not skipping a beat.

"It's alright." Was all I said before turning back to my mother who stood by the counter on the verge of tears.

"Would you like to introduce your friend?" My mother asked politely, looking over at Oli who stood there awkward.

"O-Oh yeah, u-um this is Oli...and he's not exactly my friend..."

"Harsh." Oli joked. I nudged his shoulder.

"Mom, dad...This is Oliver Sykes, my boyfriend." I cringed, scared that they were going to react negatively. But they didn't seemed fazed. 

My mother even smiled and hugged Oli.

"I hope he treats you good." My father said, placing his hand on my shoulder. A smile crept onto my lips.

This felt like home again.

"Thank you guys." I complimented hastily. "Now we don't have anywhere to go honestly, so I wondered if we could-"

"The guest rooms always open." My mom interrupted with a smile. 

"Thank you." I chuckled at the end, lacing my fingers with Oli's. I looked up at his figure that towered over me.

"C'mon." I commanded, so Oli simply nodded. My eyes met my dads, and then my moms. "Thank you guys again." And then I headed up the stairs.

We entered the dark guest room. With a flick of a switch, light illuminated the room as I set our bags down. Oli opened his and placed everything on the left side of the full sized mattress.

"What side do you want?" He questioned, looking at me.

"Right I guess." I retaliated, not that it made a difference to me though.

Slowly, I unlaced my shoes and set them by the door. Without a split second of wasted time, I changed into my PJ's and made a pile for our dirty clothes. My shirt was probably drenched in sweat, considering I performed in it. Oli slept shirtless, revealing some of his cute tattoos scattered among his chest.

I slid under the covers after turning the light off. Oli followed shortly after.

Sleeping under these covers felt so.. right. I'm glad everything worked out as planned. 

"Kellin?" Oli asked into the silence. I had been pondering my past for quite awhile by then.

"Yes?" I replied, rolling over to face him. His green eyes sparkled.

"I love you." He said slowly with a smile. I smiled too.

"I love you too." I complimented with a stupid smiled stuck on my

And for the rest of the night, I just couldn't wipe it off.

Oli always made everything better.

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