Chapter Four

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It took me a couple of days to get the guts to call Vic. It wasn't because I cared or anything, I just wanted to meet up and get him off my back. Talking to him anymore makes me feel... Different. He's changed so much, and so have I. 

Our relationship was great, don't get me wrong. I truly believe Vic was my first love, but not my last. I'm in love with Oli. We've been together for quite a long time now and I wasn't going to ruin that because I was faced with my ex.

Vic answered right before I was going to hang up. 

"H-Hello?" His voice made me shiver.

"Yeah, hi. It's Kellin."

"O-Oh." He mumbled. "I didn't think you'd call."

"I'm unpredictable." I said with all seriousness, but I couldn't help but to smile when I heard him chuckle.

"What's up... Why'd you call me?"

"Well you did leave your number. Can we meet up?" I asked eagerly. Stop Kellin, I shouldn't be so happy to go see him. 

"I actually have an appointment in a few minutes... Do you want to come over?" He suggested. I took in a deep breath. Nostalgia was back.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few." Was all I said before hanging up on him.

I honestly have no idea why I said I'd go see him again. It wasn't that I disliked Vic, I just didn't want to get too attached. I wanted to mend broken bridges and accept him as a friend. Who knows how long I'll be here anyways.

"Hey Oli, I'm going to go out for a bit."

"By yourself?" He questioned, and I was a bit reluctant to tell him the truth. In the end he did know about Vic and I.

"Yeah, I won't be long. Love you." I muttered quickly, pecking his lips before scurrying out the front door.

I walked the street much like I had before I moved away. The funny thing was is that I remember exactly where Vic's house was. 

When I arrived, I didn't get a chance to knock before the door swung open and Vic met me with a smile gleaming on his face. I noted how attractive he was still, but quickly subsided the thought because it was inappropriate to think something like that. 

Maybe coming here was a mistake.

"Hey, come on in. My client will be here in a few minutes, but if you'll stick around we could talk."

"Yeah sure, that's fine." He nodded before opening the door for me. I stepped inside, glancing around the house. Nothing looked out of place or too different. There was a new couch, but we could all guess why he did that.

I wouldn't want to look at my couch and think about Jaime continuously. The desk I wrote my goodbye's on was the same though.

"Can I use your restroom?" I asked shyly. I wasn't usually this shy, but it was awkward and uncomfortable being here like this. I met him here, I flirted with him here. Hell, we had sex here. I couldn't just put those memories aside when I smelled the familiar fragrance of the house and I saw his furniture.

"Sure, I don't know if you remember but it's down the hall by the stairs." He directed, never breaking that cheesy smile he held. 

"Thanks." I retaliated, knocking my knuckles on the wood before vanishing around the corner. I made my way past the stairs and into the small bathroom.

I turned on the water and splashed some over my face, gaining some composure. I was out of line to have those thoughts about Vic earlier. How could I leave for so long and then come back and suddenly think about us again, especially when I'm with someone so loyal like Oli.

I wiped my damp hands on my pants before leaving the bathroom. When I was back in the living room, a lady walked in. I smiled politely before sitting down in the chair beside Vic. I pulled out my phone and played games for most of the session until I heard my name.

"Who's he?" The lady asked with a confused expression plastered on her face. I don't think she was trying to me rude, but it did come off in that way slightly.

"This is a good friend of mine from out of town, Kellin." Vic introduced. Good friend my ass.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I shook her hand, smiling back at her.

"Nice to meet you too, say are in a band?"

"Yeah actually."

"My daughter loves your music." The lady responded quickly.

I knew by now that we indeed did have a lot of fans, but it always surprised me when people addressed me personally and explained why they love our music. Especially when it the parents.

"Tell her I said thank you for the support, it means a lot to all of us." I said enthusiastically, happy that somebody around here likes our music. It was weird to think about it like that as well though.

The lady left thereafter. I didn't really know why she was there, but Vic wasn't going to say and I was in no place to ask.

"So do you actually want to talk or tell me the 'I'm okay' bullshit." Vic cut to the chase. Something in me snapped.

"I've told you twice that I really am okay. Surprising enough sometimes when people testify that they really are fine, it's not a lie. Obviously you don't get that though." I seethed, startling myself with the animosity in every single word.

"Sorry, I just never know. You are very sarcastic." Vic retaliated, and I couldn't argue with that.

So for once in a very long time, I just talked openly. It wasn't because I cared about Vic and thought he deserved to know everything about me though. I told him because I knew I could trust him with everything I had to offer, which wasn't a lot if I may say so myself.

Time flew by like seconds it seemed. I was genuinely happy letting everything go. And on top of it all, it mended our friendship intensely. Maybe that's not a good thing, but for now it wasn't that important.

When the clock hit six, I excused myself and explained that I should be getting home.

"Come back anytime that you like, how long will you be back in town?" Vic asked at the door.

"Oli and I aren't sure yet, but I'll tell you when we leave." Vic nodded, obviously displeased at the mentioning of Oliver. "Anyways, see you around." I added on before stepping outside.

"Bye Kellin." He said faintly, shutting the door soundlessly.

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