Chapter Nineteen

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The rest of my night consisted of a little more packing before I hurried out to drop everything off. It was a long night, and that put me into a little bit of a panic. I was afraid that something was going to come up and I wasn't going to get out of here in time, or that I was too late to drop all my furniture off. By the time I went to bed though, everything was out of my house except for a suitcase and a small bag to take on the plane with me. 

I went to bed with a small smile of success stuck there, I mean, I did accomplish the unthinkable in three days, plus I get to leave here. Sure it's nerve racking, but moving is even more fun than it is scary. Why stress over something like moving? Probably a lot of reasons, but for me a lot isn't enough. 

I set the alarm on my phone for three, that way I'd have an hour in the morning to double check everything. The hour went by pretty fast, and I soon found myself hurrying to the car dealership which apparently is a twenty-four business. The man was pretty agreeable and friendly, so it didn't take me too long to sign the papers and get my friend to drive me to the airport. I arrived shortly after four, almost missing the gate for the plane. I was beyond behind, but it was a good day for me. It still amazing that they let me on last minute.

Everybody took their seats on the plane, and I found myself sitting beside a younger girl who seemed a little frightened. She eyed me nervously, then looked away.

"Are you on here alone?" I asked her softly, making her jump. "Hey, don't be scared." I whispered to her. The girl looked up at me a little and nodded.

"N-No, my mom and dad are somewhere." She whispered softly, looking behind her seat again. 

"Don't worry, you're safe here." I retaliated, giving her the most reassuring smile that I could. She frowned a little, but soon it turned into a sly smile. "Nothing's going to happen to you if I'm here." I added on, shifting around in my seat again. Sure, it was awkward talking to a strange little kid like this, but she was terrified, and I hated it when people were terrified. The rest of the flight was silent, but every now and then I look at her just to reassure her she was perfectly safe. I saw her clenching her chair arms when we took off. I wonder why her parents put her up here. It was probably the lack of room for her in the back. 

I listened to some music and read for most of the flight, afraid to take a nap. I just felt a sense of responsibility with the girl next to me. If I slept, I don't know if she'd feel unsafe or not. I wasn't going to risk it though, so I stayed awake. A few times I drifted off, but it never lasted more than three minutes before I was wide awake again.

The hours passed as we were ready to land, and the little girl seemed to be even more frightened this time around. 

"What's your name?" I questioned softly, catching her attention. 

"Dahlia." She replied with. What a weird name.

"Well, Dahlia, you're going to see your parents very soon so just relax. You can grip my hand if you want." I offered, holding out my hand which she looked at nervously before placing her hand in mine. He fingers were pretty short, considering she only seemed to be in about third grade. The plane started to dip down more and more, and very time something jerked she gripped my hand a little tighter. I didn't mind it though, she wasn't going to hurt me or anything. Soon, everything was coming to an abrupt stop and we were getting ready to get off. I stayed still. "Where do you meet your parents?" I asked her, taking my hand away.

"I'm supposed to stay here." She retaliated, glancing around nervously as people shuffled down the narrow aisle. 

"I'll stay with you." I offered, making her smile slyly again. I watched as more and more people shuffled off the plane, all of their expressions monotone towards us. Soon though, a man and lady walked up and smiled at the little girl. She got up and hugged them silently, making me smile. Her parents eyed me nervously.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Vic Fuentes." I introduced myself, shaking their hands. "Your daughter was a bit worried so I just kept her company." I got up shortly after, joining the remaining part of the line. Dahlia's mother smiled.

"Oh, well, thank you." She replied with politely.

"No problem." Was all I said before we all started off the plane. Everyone entered the airport, and before I knew it half of my body was being engulfed in a hug.

"Thank you." Dahlia said softly, letting go of me. My heart melted because she was an adorable little kid.

"You're very welcome." I said to her once I sat down so we were eye level. "But you better go, your parents are up there waiting." I pointed behind her to her parents who smiled at us. Dahlia looked back before hugging me again and running off. I smiled to myself before grabbing my suitcase which came through on the luggage carousel and my bag before walking out into the parking lot. What do I do now? I thought of who I could call, and soon I remembered Mike. Of course, if he's not busy he could pick me up.

I pulled out my phone before dialing his number. Fortunately, he answered.

"Hey Vic, what's up?"

"Not mu-" I cut myself off. "A lot actually, can you come pick me up at an airport?" I questioned.

"Sure, what one?" He questioned, so I gave him the address before hanging up. At least he didn't question me. I'll have a lot of explaining to do for him though, and after that I'll finally get back to Kellin.

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