Clock Tower

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The clock tower method, this method is slightly difficult

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The clock tower method, this method is slightly difficult. Other than that, lets get started. Okay, first, you'll want to lay on your side, left or right, it doesn't matter. don't have your legs straight, curl yourself into a little ball. But not too tight. Try to not make your feet and hands touch any limbs, one way to do this is to get an extra pillow and put it in between your legs so your thighs are around the pillow, sort of like around it, the picture above is the best demonstration I could find, just don't let your hands or feet touch any limbs. Also, meditation is optional, you can do it if you want to be completely focused. Then, calm your breathing for a minute or two. After, just create some scenarios between you and a person from your DR. (In first person) As your imagining, start imagine your body is spinning as if you were the hand of a clock, the more vividly you imagine the faster you spin, it should feel like your spinning with the world. (Tingling and numbness are signs of shifting don't move!) Focus on the positives of your DR, how you'll be free and nobody would judge you. what friendships/relationship(s) your in, things like that. Start saying some affirmations, "I am shifting to (wherever your going" "I will shift" "I will see ___" etc.

If you've scripted changes in your appearance, imagine that your slowly morphing into your dr self. Once you've imagined that all, start to think of your surroundings (in DR) and where you'll wake up in your DR. Once you feel like you've spun enough, start to slow down the spinning. It gets slower and slower, but you don't stop just yet. Stay imagining that your spinning slowly, and count to 0-100 while trying to fall asleep. Then, you should wake up in your DR.

111 you will shift.

[DATE: January 9, 2021]

Heyy I haven't updated in like a month im so sorry! I wasn't able to find much methods but i finally came across one, this one requires a lot of imagination so i recommend you do meditate, If you have any questions, feel free to comment them! Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night! - The Author.

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