Raven Method ⚡️✨

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The raven method is pretty popular lol buttttt first your gonna wanna be like really sleepy but don't fall asleep! so, listening to relaxing music or subs is pretty helpful for this method !  okay but your gonna wanna get into a starfish position ...

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The raven method is pretty popular lol buttttt first your gonna wanna be like really sleepy but don't fall asleep! so, listening to relaxing music or subs is pretty helpful for this method ! okay but your gonna wanna get into a starfish position or like no limbs touching, make sure your not moving. Then your gonna close your eyes and count to 100 not super fast but not super slow ! after you've reached 100 say "i have shifted" also when your counting visualize parts of your DR, its okay if you lose focus but try to keep your focus on visualizing your DR.

If you feel tingling and like your floating dont move especially if you hear voices from your DR its a very good sign that your shifting!
You will shift tonight!

hihi this is me several months later but WHYYY was i so cringy, i put <3 after everything and the smiley faces im just like :) :) Omggg so uh i did this on march 3rd,2021 by the way future me- The Author

205 words <3

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