Shifting Advice <3

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1. do not obsess over not shifting! I always say this but it takes time, just because someone was able to shift in two weeks or less does not mean that you simply are not able to shift!

2. Meditate, of course this is optional but for most methods you have to be visualizing this or that.

3. You can mix up methods, like adding your own twist to it.

4. Read over your script before attempting to shift, there can be possible mistakes or changes you want to make.

5. Not all shifting tiktokers spread true or good info, I learned this from experience.

6. Don't get so excited, it's possible to shut down your shifting attempt, ( not forever) edit: this has been confirmed by other shifters to be false!! dont listen to this one.

7. Script that you have like a watch of your CR time it's very helpful, Especially if you're scared of your own clone!

8. Script that Time stops when you leave your DR.

9. Script you Know where everything is, and you have high pain intolerance/ cant feel pain and you cant die.

10. No truama or attachment to/from your DR.


12. there is no way to get stuck in your DR, it's impossible.

13. Shifting is NOT lucid dreaming! Shifting is taking your conciseness from one reality to another so, your literally there. Lucid dreaming is dreaming, it feels real but its not.

111, you will shift.

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