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"Boop," I sang, holding out the 'o' sound as I poked my friend on the nose. We were sitting at the top of some small bleachers outside our high school. He looked at me oddly before scooting over a few paces. I slid my body back to the same distance it previously was and shoved my finger in his face again.

"Would you quit it?" He grunted, swatting my finger away. I hummed a little show tune while bobbing my head around to it, shoving my finger back into his face. Before it could reach contact, he grabbed my finger tightly.

"Hey! No fair!" I pouted as he shoved my pointer finger back towards me. I stuck my tongue out before poking him once again. He snapped and pushed me over onto the grass, off the bleachers. He sat on top of me, my finger in his hand, and he began repeatedly stabbing me with my own finger.

"Why are you poking yourself, Chester? Why are you poking yourself? Why, Ches, why?" He asked me, poking me in the eye. I let out a yelp, then dozens of giggles as his demeanor suddenly switched. His fingers lightly tickled my stomach, making it hurt from my rough laughter.

"B-Brad! S-sto-" I couldn't continue as I bursted out giggling even harder. Small tears streaked down my cheeks as I struggled to pull away from Brad's deadly tickling hands.

"Hey! Knock it off, you two!" Someone shouted, causing the laughter to die on my lips as Brad pulled away from me. We both sat up and saw our first hour teacher, Mr. Xander, rushing towards us.

"Hey, um - sorry, sir!" Brad stuttered, obviously attempting to keep himself from laughing as I saw his lips twitch upwards.

"Could you two boys just keep your gay antics away from school for one day?" He groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Sir, we aren't-" I tried to correct him before he interrupted me.

"Shut up, you're late for first hour and I was told to hunt you two down. Come on now, continue - whatever this was - after school and off the grounds." He snapped, snagging one of my wrists with my hands. He began pulling me towards the school, Brad directly behind us. For some reason Mr. Xander doesn't like nor trust me, but he does to Brad.

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