It's Been Awhile

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Mike clipped pictures out of his old yearbook, setting them aside for a scrapbook he was creating. He found photos of his friend Joe and laughed. The two of them were in art together and went to the same college, never losing contact. In this one, the two were working on an art project but Joe was making a frustrated face that made him look constipated. Mike immediately clipped it out and turned the page and 'ah'-ed at the prediction page for the students. Mike admired his, as he was voted most likely to succeed. His eyes caught a familiar face but he couldn't place the name, although he was with the boy.

'Most Likely Friends Forever'

Mike hummed and the name popped into his mind. Chester Bennington, his old best friend. He felt awful as he'd forgotten about him after half a decade. It had been five years since he last saw Chester. He thought about contacting him again but he had no way of finding him. He went back to the yearbook after cutting out the pictures, after deciding to include Chester in the scrapbook. He turned the page and saw another one of Chester. He was sitting on the ground, back pressed against the lockers. His knees were up and he was reading a book with headphones in. Mike smiled, remembering how much he loved music.

He had a small mohawk in that picture but the last time Mike saw him, his hair was a bit grown out and natural brown, but he wouldn't allow it to be curly. Mike saw his own picture underneath Chester's and saw it was red. Chester was the reason why he had dyed his hair like that. He encouraged Mike to be just as creative as he actually was.

Mike cut them out and closed the book. He picked up the phone and called his friend, Joe. He waited but he didn't answer his call. Mike rolled his eyes as Joe was probably sleeping, which was typical of him. He called again.

"Mike," Joe whined when he answered and Mike snickered. He heard Joe yawn and he rolled his eyes.


"What else?" Joe murmured. He worked nightshifts at this company that Mike didn't bother learning about. Joe would work all night and sleep all day but Mike hated that, as it tore them apart.

"So I was making that scrapbook and went through our senior yearbook from high school and just remembered Chester."

"Really? I thought you'd never forget him. You two were so close," Joe recalled and Mike nodded, although Joe couldn't see him.

"I know. It's been half a decade though and I haven't seen him since graduation," He sighed. "Anyway, I was wondering if you knew how I could contact him again."

"No... Oh, wait! I haven't gotten the chance to tell you but some new guy was hired to do nightshifts with me and he went to our school. Brad Delson, remember him?"

"A little," Mike scratched his head. He used to remember everyone from school but just like his best friend, they've slipped his mind.

"Well, I think he remembers Chester. I'll ask him about it tonight," Joe said and yawned again. Mike smiled at the thought of talking to his old friend again.

"Okay, I'll let you get some sleep. Talk to you later," Mike said and hung up, as he was sure Joe had already passed out.

He turned his attention back to the yearbook and wanted to find more pictures of Chester. He flipped through it but couldn't find anymore other than a picture of him amongst the class. Mike sighed and put it away. He was so baffled that he forgot about Chester and he sat down, wondering if there was a reason why.

Chester and Mike were hanging out at the back of the school during lunch, outside. Chester hated being inside at this time. Some of the kids weren't too kind towards him but he admitted to Mike that if they weren't friends, it'd be much worse.

Mike was considered very popular at their school and could become friends with anyone. People believed that, as he was friends with Chester, and the two were complete opposites. Nevertheless, they had a better friendship than anyone else and were believed to remain best friends for the rest of their lives and into the next, if reincarnation came into play.

Mike noticed Chester was more silent than usual and wasn't eating. Mike gave him a look but Chester didn't even notice. He poked his shoulder but the smaller boy was lost in thought. He shook him a little, which broke him out of his mind. Chester gave Mike a confused look.


"Have a lot on your mind or...?"

"I guess," He said shortly and Mike knew at that point that something was up. He frowned and put an arm around Chester.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing," Chester shrugged off his arm and Mike felt offended by that and watched Chester take out a cigarette and lighter. "Do you mind if I...?"

"Since when did..." Mike couldn't complete his sentence as he watched Chester light it and take a deep drag.

"A few months ago."

"Oh," He said breathlessly. A few months ago? Mike couldn't believe it. How could he not notice? He started to wonder what else he could've missed and saw just how dark the bags under Chester's eyes were and the slight bruising he had around the top of his head. He was about to ask but Chester rose, stomping out the cigarette and looking to Mike, giving him a weak smile.

"I'm gonna get going early. See you," He said shortly and left. Mike glanced at the cigarette-butt in confusion, wondering when Chester changed.

Mike snapped out of his thoughts and realized that was the moment he and Chester started to drift apart, not when they graduated. It was near the end of their final year of school by that point but that was when he started changing and Mike started questioning how much he truly knew his best friend. He thought about after that moment and realized whenever he saw Chester after school, he always had a cigarette in his hand. He wondered where he is now and if smoking led him into something else. He started to question whether the other boy was even alive.

He bit his lip and paced around his apartment. Maybe it was best he let go of his old friend, Chester Bennington. 

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